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On a make believe island
In an ocean that isn't seen but only felt
Where the sun illuminates
The depressive blues of my sadness
With the jubilant oranges and yellow hews
Of your laughter
On the deserted sands
Beyond pure
As if every grain has been left untouched
Saved for only our footprints
When the sun's warmth caresses our cheeks
With eyes tightly shut
Afraid it is only a dream
The wave lightly kisses every toe
Retreats and kisses again
But not even they can steal you from me now
This haven of peace that cannot be corrupted
By the chaos of our outside lives
That lie beyond the fantasy island
Here our love will always thrive
On our virgin sands
Under our sacred sun
Stretched before our wave's lips
Never to be broken or lost
Never to be stolen
Never to be torn or tattered
Never to be shattered
Because I won't let it

2000,Katrina Rose
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