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{added 2/4/2000}
with your hate clinched in your fists
and my heart between your teeth...
whose heart pounds hatred into innocence
with indifference,
and thoughtlessness,
and a closed heart,
Look around...
Stop for a moment and look...
See the hurt and
Feel the pain of a world
Filled with prejudice...
See them in the corner
and frightened for their lives...
can't beat them enough
to change the color of their skin, or
who they love...
Their bodies crumple in the shadows,
Their screams echo, unheard, in the deserted
And as
Bloody their faces and
Smash their bones...
Look into their eyes and

{added 2/2/2000}
I think I'll go outside today
The sun's been begging me to.
I'll step out of my house and
I'll walk down the street,
I'll wear my brightest smile,
I'll let everyone see the sparkly-happy me.
And we'll charm completely innocent passersby
into wetting their pants with laughter.
On second thought,
I'll wear my most sinister-evil-doer-face.
Because I'm going to show you the evil,
vengeful side of me.
She will rip your heart out and chew on it as we walk down the street.
People will cringe in the dark sidestreets,
hoping we'll just pass them by.
How soon they forget
how they laughed and jeered at frightened-vulnerable me last week.
They'll run away if they see we're coming.
We'll just keep walking after them,
Because eventually there's nowhere to hide.
We'll unravel their armor of "better-than-you-ness"
and expose their insecurities.
They'll cry and we'll laugh.
We're not afraid of them today.
I've changed my mind again.
Today I'll wear my lonely-depressed appearence.
I'm going to show you all what you've done to me.
I'm in agony on the sidewalk.
My tears will break down the walls of your
You'll see.
You will.
I'll rip out my insides
and put them on the street for everyone to see.
I'll place my feelings in glass bottles for you to look into.
My body is a sidewalk exhibition for your eyes.
I'm on display today.
Because I want to show you me.
Some people will sneer at the sight of me.
That's OK, some people never change.
They'll go home with their opinions packed on their
back and their unkind comments clinched in their
fists to assault anyone they happen to pass.
Some people will cry.
They will long to show people how they really feel,
who they really are, but will sneak back to the
familiar (dis)comfort of their shells.
Some people will try to steal me away.
They can't find who they are and they're low on parts and out of ideas.
Some people won't notice at all.
They like to go through life with their eyes closed.
That way there's nothing to feel, nothing to experience.
No sight, smell, sound, taste, or touch.
Some people will miss me, I suppose.
But they know they'll see me tomorrow.
When I try again-try to be understood.
And when the sun goes down, I'll pack me up in a bag,
I'll walk down the street back to my house and I'll put myself back together.
I'll wonder if anyone that passed me decided not to be
unkind, or not to be sad, or to notice me or
themselves in a new way.
I'd like to think someone's soul was lit up.
That's what keeps me going.
So I do...
read BL's work..