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{added 6/8/2000}

Guns Blasting
The shrieks of innocent people flood the streets.
Buildings ducking for protection.
One building stands alone.
Wanting the shooting to stop.
Yet still is standing strong.
Within its fur walls it protects a newborn infant.
It is being protected for reality.
The build suffers, taking all it can take.
It is a sad day for the brave building.
Its straining doors are blown open.
Shadows of termagant women surround the child.
The young infant plays as if nothing is happening.
One by one the shadows are pushed aside.
The infant is found.
Into reality the child proceeds.
It crawls among the streets.
A sudden silence falls over the atmosphere.
Screams are carried no more.
The child is watched as it plays and crawls alone the street.
The infant comes across a firearm that sits in a dark shadow.
In the middle of the street.
In question the child turns it on its side.
Back and forth the gun is studied.
A sudden blast is heard.
The sky darkens,
Bringing back the screams.
Blood fills the street.
Reality returns.

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