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Why does it always come back to you and me
You would think that you could fade from my mind
That with each chaotic beat of the day and of my life
It would all be erased.
Why does your voice lurk in my head
Promises that were left unspoken just collecting dust
Unused I-love-yous that have expired
Your ghost embellishes fantasies that only I knew
Locked away in dreams I would never let you see
Somehow you knew what I was thinking
You knew me before I did
I don’t need this
I was the anchor that kept you from floating away
I reached to you and you ripped my heart out
Chucking it into the crowd
Another freak show for their entertainment
You smeared my love across the pavement
And washed your hands of eleven years
I could smile at everyone
Pretending life is just one big carnival
I could tell people that I’m over you
And too mature to actually get wrapped up in you
Your arms were my shelter
And yet you expose me to the storm
I don’t need the abuse
And these scars are part of me now
The bruises that cover my skin are the reminder
That even though I don’t need the pain
I will always need you

2000,Katrina Rose
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