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{added 3/30/2000}
When You Fly

I am lost.
Without you, darkness engulfs me.
It scares me,
I'm afraid of the dark.
You are my only light.
I exist only for your love.
My soul lingers around your heart,
hoping to break in.
Do you feel it?
Can you feel the weight of my love?
Is it too heavy?
I don't want to drag you down.
All I want is to see you soar,
like a bird,
with eagle's wings.
Fly far.
Far from here,
away from this,
away from my love,
away from me.
I'll be watching you, from down here.
But keep going,
higher and higher.
When you fly,
my heart flies with you.
But don't let me hold you down.
Keep soaring.
Just know that when you're ready to land,
I'll still be down here...
- Rainbow

read Jeff..