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~*Sixth Sense*~
The quiet light reflects in his eyes like the full moon on a peaceful lake.
The warmth of his voice that serenades me into a utopia of dreams
The aroma of love that had always been sour has now the fragrance of freshly cut roses
Supple lips are adorned by his words of passion and poetry that long to be coveted
The subtle caress sending shivers throughout my veins as if one brush of the hand is enough to make the blood boil
Five senses, well explained, but there is a feeling that lingers on
A supplement to life that becomes a necessity
There has been sight, sound, smell
There has been taste and touch before
Whatever the severity might have been
What is this additional emotion?
Some verboten feeling?
The knowledge of a soul
Completely and eternally
Intertwined with my own
A sixth sense.
2000,Katrina Rose
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