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Tick tock
Faces grinding
Dreams colliding
At every turn
While clocks keep ticking
And minds are fighting
Only for the plastic mold
Go unnoticed
No one notice
River of tears
Forming at
Your feet
Life unheard of
Takes the toll of
This chaotic
Rhythm beat
Building walls
That always crumble
Emotions that tear away
Running man
Duck and cover
To avoid
The reality
And teeth are grinding
Winding up
Let me go
Taking fairytales
We've all heard of
Attention knocking
At my door
Tick tock
Now the spinning
Revolving turning
Never ceasing
Closing in on me
Kiss me
Taunt me
Use me
Flaunt me
Hold on to it
By your teeth
My independent
Time slides by
Each second
You continue in flight
My night
My life
Stands still
Tick tock
2000,Katrina Rose
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