The treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28th 1919, between France, it's allies and Germany, ended the first world war. Defeated and excluded from the negotiations, the Germans bitterly discovered the drastic teritorial, military and financial terms that the signing of the armistice, November 11th 1918,would have ever lead them to imagine. The price of defeat would be exorbitant.
Along with the heavy financial burden and the dismantlement of the army, 15 percent of it's territory and 10 percent of it's population is allocated to the victors. Of the treaty's terms, it is the creation of the Danzig corridor wich scandalizes the Germans the most, as this strip of territory given to Poland breaks German unity by seperatign East Prussia from the rest of the nation. The humiliation is terrible and the resentement created by the treaty will nourish a desire of revenge that will become a major theme of Hitler's politics.
A new European Order
With peace comes a new diplomatic order, incarnated by the League of Nations, created in 1920 under urges by american president Wilson. Predecesor to the United Nations, the league of Nations groupes the mains european powers, and is tasked with legislating the new international balance that resulted from the war. The stakes are considerable, as the map of Europe is scared by the conflict.In effect, the treaties sign following Versailles break up the old Austro-Hongarian empire at the benifit of neihbouring victor nations and creating from scratch two new states, Tchecoslovakia and Yugoslavia.
These teritorial arbitrtions are often resented. Italy, in perticular, speaks of a mutilated victory, because the allies did not respect their promises made during the war cocerning the atribution of certain provinces. Italian fachists will later findin this "tertchery" means to inspire nationalism. France, who did not obtain the permanenet occupation of the west abnk of the Rhine, is determined to take revenge on Germany, by force if need be, as demonstrated by the temporary ocupation of the Rhur in 1923.
Germany In Crissis
The payment of war reperationsis not the cause of the major economic crissis tha faced Germany at the beginig of the 1920's. Between 1920 and 1922, the young Weimar republic will only pay 5 billion Marks as reperations.When the french, stating late payments, occupy the Rhur in 1923, it is a large part of the German economy that is confiscated. The government will also have to finance the passive resistance that will apear in the form of labour strikes.
But main problems facing Germany comme from the attitudes of its industrial leaders.They see inflation as a means of liberation from the loans contracted before the war to finance the industry. The rapid depreciation of the currency also stimulates exports. They then pressured the government to finance the national deficit by printing new money.
The augmentation of the monetary mass that followed- the number of bills in circulation would triple between 1919 and 1920- causes the decline of the Mark. The drop in value of the Mark reaches record lows in 1922:in Janurary a gold-Mark exchanges for 46 paper Marks, seven months later it takes 24 millions! The values printed on the bills change several times a day as are the prices in shops. Wokers, payed by the day, come to work carrying bags to transport the large mass of bank notes required to pay their salaries.
The social consequences of the monetary crissis are important, not for the buisness sector but for the regular German citizen.Wage increases do not follo the price hikes and the unemployed, 10 percent in the active population.
It is the middle class that is hit the hardest. Small enterprises and merchants are forced to sell as their prices cannot folloe the Mark, retirees ruined by the credit policies of the government, public employes and bureucrats payed monthly...
The rebirth of Geramny strts in 1924 with the policies of the Stesemann, notably the creation of a new currency built on natinal production,the Rentenmark. But the damage is done: during the post war years, the population has gatherd around the doctrine consisting of placing the blame for the downfall of Germany on the on the weimar regime, foreign powers and Jews ascociated with high finance. I is at that time that Naziism takes shape.
The Rise Of The Nazi Party
At the begining of the 1920's, political agitation is exterem in Germany. Terrorist groups multiply attempts made on government figures. These groups benefit from the suport of conservative elements of the regime, former army personel and beurocrats. several putsch attempts are made, imlicating variou paramilitary formations or memebers of the Reichwehr.
The First Putsch
In Munich, a certain Adolf Hitler, participates in a small worker's party, the NASDP, of the national-socialist movement. Taking control in 1921, Hitler totaly reorganises to make it a party of masses, recruiting cadre and creating a paper,the Volkischer Beobachter. Assault sections are formed, the Sturm-Arteilungen or SA, lead by Hermann Goering, to ensure order at meetings ...and in the streets.
In November 1923, Hitler attempts to use the nainalistic sentiments caused by the french occupation of the Rhur to topple the government. It ends in failiureand a short enprisonement for Hitler. By Stucturing the NASDP nationaly, Hitler must, once out of prison, fight against left wing that try to contain the SA. for this , Hitler turns to the SS.
Between 1924 and 1929, if the Weimar regime succedes at restauring economic efficiancy to the economy of the nation, it is at the price of unpopular autarity measures. Politicaly, extremist forces from all sides gain ground. The instsbility of government coalitions has raised the power of paramilitary groups and ambigius movements such as the NASDP.
Rise to Power
The economic crissis of 1929 only serves to fulfill Hitlers intentions. Suddenly deprived of anmerican capital invested sfter the war, the German and Austrian economies are hard hit. As between 1920 and 1924, the membership of the NASDP grwos rapidly. At the 1928 elections it had received only 800 000 votes, at the 1930 elections it will get more than 6 million, almost 30 percent of the total vote. In 1932, the Nazi party has 1.5 million members, 350 000 SA and SS which multiply the violent actions, as well as 300 000 young members under the Hitler Youths.
At the 1932 presidential elections, Hitler obtains 13 million votes, but is still beaten by the old Marshal Hindenburg. Maintaining daily pressure with his militias, Hitler deals with the buisness sector, unsatisfied with policies of several Chancelors: Bruning, Von Papen and Schleicher.It is the barrons of German capitalism that will convince Hindenburg to nam Hitler chancelor of the Reich, on Janurary 30th 1933.
To finaly bury the Weimar republic, Hitler moves quickly to instal a dictatorship an put in place a gigantic program of military conquest.
In the following years, Hitler and the Nazi party will create the Gestapo the state police and re-arm the German nation. On 16 March 1935, Hitler reinstates conscription under the pretext that France extended its period of manditory military service. Rather than forcing Germany to comply with the Versailles treaty, Tthe allies try to isolate Hitler. On the 7th of March 1936, Germany occuoies the Rheinland. Hitler will then inervene in the war in Spain. Still the allies do not opose Hitler. He becomes more and more convinced of the lack of enthousism of France and England towrds war. He gets more evidence of this when he accomlishes a long awaited objective: Anschluss the unification with Austria. Following this, Hitler makes claims to the Sudetenland in Tchecoslovakia. Hitler will request control over this region within 10 days.
This makes war inevitable. Tchecoslovakia mobilizes, France recals its reservists, in Italy, German and in the USSR. Hitler obtains his demands on 29 september 1938 in Munich. on August 22nd 1939, Germany and the USSR sign the non-agression pact. Negotiations with the allies had stalled and when Russia's foreign minister, Molotovmeets with the german minister Ribbentrop, an agreement is quick.
The Final Step
Immediately after the signature of the pact between Germany and the USSR, Chamberlain declares that it will not affect his determination to come to the aid of Poland in case of agression. A new bilateral accord with Poland reinforces his position. However, Hitler beleives that the Allies will think long and hard before entering the war.
On August 29th, Hitler announces that he is ready to meet with a polish negotiator if he arrives in Berlin within two days.They will send their ambasador Lipski.
The interview, on August 31st, is a disaster and is short. The disagreement is complete. During the night, Ribentrop delivers a note to the British and French in which the Polish refusal is denounced. The order to attack Poland was signed 10 hours earlier...