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* Exported from MasterCook *
                      Low-Fat Red Beans and Rice
Recipe By     :
Serving Size  : 12    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Sides 4 Points Per Serving
  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  1                     onion -- chopped
  5             cloves  garlic -- chopped
  3             stalks  celery -- chopped
  2                     green bell peppers -- chopped
  2               cups  tomatoes -- crushed
  42            ounces  canned red beans -- rinsed and drained
  2        tablespoons  Cajun seasoning
  6               cups  cooked rice
                        Tabasco sauce -- to taste
                        black pepper -- to taste
Cook onion, garlic, peppers and celery in liquid until soft. Add tomato and 
seasoning to taste,and simmer about 10 minutes. 
Add beans and simmer another 10 minutes. Serve over cooked rice.
  "4 Points Per Serving"
                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Per serving: 238 Calories (kcal); 1g Total Fat; (3% calories from fat); 9g Protein; 
48g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 439mg Sodium
Food Exchanges: 3 Grain Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat; 
0 Other Carbohydrates
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