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Lori's Corn Muffins

Recipe By : lori

2 Points Per Serving


1 box cornbread mix -- cornmuffin mix(225g)

1/3 cup crushed pineapple in juice -- about 70g

1 large egg or 2 whites or 1/4 cup egg substitute

1/3 cup skim milk


Mix all together and spray muffin tin with Pam nonstick spray [lightly]. Pour batter into cups evenly. Bake at 400ºF for 20 minutes. Delicious!

Makes 6 large muffins

NOTES : Per serving: 102.4 cal, 3g (26.7%) fat, 1.3g fibre, 225mg sodium, 16g carbs, 2.7g protien

Per serving: 2.04 points