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Bonjan Salat (Spicy Eggplant Salad) Vegan

Recipe By : "Nancy Berry"

2 Points Per Serving


3 medium eggplants

2 1/2 teaspoons coarse salt -- kosher salt

1/4 cup corn oil

1 1/2 cups tomato sauce

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon hot pepper flakes -- or minced chilies

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon dried mint flakes -- crushed


Slice the eggplants crosswise into 1 1/2 inch thick pieces. Sprinkle them with 2 teaspoons coarse salt and let stand for 15 minutes. Rinse eggplants under cold water, which removes the bitter taste, rinse, and dry well on a towel. Heat the oil in a skillet and lightly brown eggplant slices over moderate heat for 3 minutes. Remove and put into a serving bowl. Cool. Put the tomato sauce, pepper, chile, cinnamon, mint and 1/2 teaspoon salt, if wanted, in a pan. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, which is long enough to integrate the flavors. Pour this over the eggplant; refrigerate until ready to use. The salad can remain in the refrigerator for several days. Serve cold or at room temperature.

Serving Size : 8

JENN'S LOWER FAT NOTE: If you eliminate the oil and just use cooking spray this meal is a ZERO POINT MEAL.

NOTES : Per serving: 111.9 cal, 7.2g (53%) fat, 4.5g fibre, 870mg sodium, 12.3g carbs, 2.1g protien

Per serving: 1.94 points

Shared by: Jenn