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Easy Enchilada Casserole

Shared by: WNTBD

5 Points Per Serving


1 pound ground turkey breast

1 medium onion, chopped

2 cups each: tomato sauce and enchilada sauc

1 can (15 oz.) pinto beans and juice

12 corn tortillas

3 cups grated fat-free cheddar cheese (10 oz.)

1/4 cup sliced black olives


In a large, heavy skillet sprayed with nonstick spray, brown ground turkey and chopped onion over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Add tomato sauce, enchilada sauce and beans with juice. Heat until simmering. Put a layer of meat sauce in a large casserole sprayed with nonstick spray. Add a single layer of 3 tortillas. Add another layer of meat sauce. Cover with 1/4 of the cheese and olives. Repeat three more layers of 3 tortillas, meat sauce, cheese and olives. Bake in a preheated 325º oven for 50 to 60 minutes, or until hot.

Serves 10.

Per serving: 266 cal. (22% from fat); 24.4 g protein; 6.5 g fat (0.78 g sat.); 26.5 g carbo.; 1,021 mg sodium; 33 mg chol.; 6.7 g fiber.

Exchanges: 2 1/2 lean meat, 11/2 bread.