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* Exported from MasterCook *
                        Three Pepper Oat Pilaf
Recipe By     :
Serving Size  : 6     Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Sides 2 Points Per Serving
  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
     1/2           cup  red bell pepper -- chopped
     1/2           cup  yellow bell pepper -- chopped
     1/2           cup  mushrooms -- chopped
     1/2           cup  green onions -- sliced
  2             cloves  garlic -- minced
  1         tablespoon  canola oil -- or olive oil
  1 3/4           cups  old-fashioned rolled oats -- uncooked
  2                     egg whites -- lightly beaten
     3/4           cup  lowfat chicken broth
  2        tablespoons  fresh basil leaves -- minced or 2 teaspoons dried
     1/2      teaspoon  salt
     1/4      teaspoon  pepper
In 10-inch nonstick skillet, cook peppers, mushrooms, onions and garlic in oil over medium 
heat, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are crisp-tender, about 2 minutes. In bowl, mix 
oats and egg whites until oats are evenly coated. Add oats to vegetable mixture in skillet. 
Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until oats are dry and separated, about 5 to 6 
minutes. Add broth, basil, salt and pepper. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, 2 to 3 
minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Serve immediately.
  "2 Points Per Serving"
                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Per serving: 131 Calories (kcal); 4g Total Fat; (25% calories from fat); 7g Protein; 
19g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 264mg Sodium
Food Exchanges: 1 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat; 
0 Other Carbohydrates