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* Exported from MasterCook *
                              Fried Rice
Recipe By     :
Serving Size  : 8     Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Sides 3 Points per serving
  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  4               cups  cooked rice -- cold
     1/4           cup  green onions -- thinly sliced
     1/2           cup  frozen peas
     1/4           cup  carrots -- minced
     1/2      teaspoon  ginger
     1/2      teaspoon  granulated garlic
     1/4           cup  Egg Beaters® 99% egg substitute
  2        tablespoons  soy sauce, low sodium
     1/2      teaspoon  Equal® sweetener -- Spoonable
                        vegetable cooking spray
Heat wok or skillet. Spray with cooking spray. Add onions, peas, carrots. Cook until tender 
Add rice. Heat.
Make a hole in center of rice mixture. Add Egg Beaters and fry for 3 minutes or until set.
Mix eggs into rice mixture. Add soy sauce, seasonings and Equal. Mix well. 
  "3 Points per serving"
  "Kelly Shields"
  "4 cups"
                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Per serving: 138 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (2% calories from fat); 4g Protein; 
29g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 175mg Sodium
Food Exchanges: 2 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat; 
0 Other Carbohydrates