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Beef and Black Bean Chili

Shared by: mel

4.5 Points Per Serving


1 pound ground round

2 (15 oz) cans no salt added black beans, rinsed and drained

1 cup medium or hot chunky style salsa

2 (8 oz) cans no salt added tomato sauce

1 Tbs chili seasoning mix


Cook meat in large sauce pan over medium high heat until browned and no longer pink. Drain if necessary. While meat cooks, mash one can of the beans. Add to mashed beans, remaining beans, salsa, tomato sauce and seasoning to sauce pan. Stir well. Cook over medium heat 10 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Spoon into serving bowls.

Makes 7 (1 cup) servings.

Per serving Calories 236 Fat 3.9g Fiber 5.2g Protein 22.8g Carbs 27.6 Cholest. 38mg Sodium 229mg

Exchanges: 2 starch, 2 lean meat