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German Black Bean Thin Crust Dough vegan

From "The Best Pizza is made at home" by Donna Rathmell

3-4 Points Per Serving


1 t active dry yeast

2 C bread flour

1/4 t salt

1/2 C lukewarm water

1/2 t cayenne pepper, optional

1/4 C black bean puree (if use canned beans, rinse and drain first)


Combine and knead all ingredients (I used my bread machine) Let rise 50-60 minutes Roll dough on a cornmeal-covered counter Place dough in pizza pan For a thin, crispy crust, place toppings on dough and bake immediately For a thicker, chewier crust, allow dough to rise 15-30 minutes before adding toppings. Place pizza on the bottom rack of oven (Preheated to 500º) 5-10 min. We filled our pizzas with pizza sauce, rest of the black beans, tomatoes, zucchini, onions...

kwvegan vegan

From: Jeanne

3 points = 8 servings

4 points = 6 servings