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Crockpot Veggie Soup

Recipe By :JaneStarr

0 Points Per Serving


I made this recipe up today; I guess that I'm in a lazy, creative mood :). It's now cooking in my crockpot. I snuck a taste, and it's good. I can only imagine how much better it'll be when the veggies actually get warm and have time to cook! Jane


1 14.5-oz can canned cut tomatoes with onion and garlic

1 14.5-oz can 99% Fat Free Vegetable Broth

2 1/2 cups fatfree chicken broth

5 cups V-8 vegetable juice -- high calcium kind preferred

1 pound frozen carrot slices

1 10-oz package sliced mushrooms

1 medium yellow squash -- sliced

1/4 cup peppers -- frozen, assorted

black pepper -- to taste (1/2 tsp?)

kosher salt -- to taste (1/2 tsp?)

2 tablespoons fresh parsley leaves

1 teaspoon dried basil -- to taste (or 1T fresh)


Put all ingredients into crockpot and set on high. (I use a 4 1/2 quart Rival Oval Crockpot). Cook as long as desired (until veggies are as soft as you like). You can cook this on "low" power all day. I like to start it on "high" to get it up to temp.

*faster Puree half of veggies in small batches in the blender or use a hand-blender right in the turned off crock pot.

Freeze in plastic containers in desired quantities. Thaw and reheat in microwave or stove top.

Since this recipe filled my 4 1/2 qt crockpot, I estimate that this will make about 12 (1 1/2 cup) servings

Yield: "4 1/2 quarts"

Per serving: 62 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (6% calories from fat); 4g Protein; 12g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 781mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : These are just the ingredients that I had on hand when I first made this soup on "leap day" 2/29/00. Use your imagination. You can use any broth or veggies that you like. I had an open container of chicken broth, some "oldish" mushrooms, and part of a bag of frozen mixed peppers to use up. I just happened to have some fresh parsley and yellow squash. I bought frozen carrots because they were so much cheaper than the fresh ones today. I added the V-8 until my crockpot was just about full. -- Jane