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Grilled Bass with Carambola Salsa

Recipe by: Better Homes and Gardens Low Calorie Low Fat Recipes pg. 37

3 Points per serving


(Carambola is the true name of what most people call star fruit. Before using allow carambolas to ripen at room temp. until they are jucy and fragrant. They don't need peeling, simply slice them crosswise to reveal their star shape.)

1/2 to 1 t. cumin seed

3 large carambolas (star fruit)

1 small lime

1/2 small fresh poblano pepper, seeded and finely chopped.

2 T. snipped fresh cilantro

1 pound sea bass or red snapper fillet, cut into 4 pieces about 1 inch thick

1/4 t. ground red pepper

1/4 t. salt


Cook cumin seed in an ungreased skillet, uncovered, over medium-high heat for 1-2 minutes or till toasted, shaking the skillet frequently. Set cumin seed aside. Slice ONE carambola; cover and refrigerate. Chop remaining carambolas; set aside. Peel lime and finely shred peel; set peel aside. Section and chop rest of lime.

For salsa, combine toasted cumin seed, chopped carambolas, chopped lime, poblano pepper, cilantro, and 1/8 t. salt in in a small bowl; cover and refrigerate.

Rinse fish fillets; pat dry. Sprinkle with 1/8 t. salt, ground red pepper, and reserved lime peel. Arrange medium-hot coals in a coverd grill around a drip pan. Test for medium heat above the pan. Place fish fllets on the grill rack over drip pan. Cover and grill for 8-12 minutes per 1-inch thickness or till fish just begins to flake when tested with a fork. Serve with salsa. Garnish with sliced carambola.

Makes 4 servings.

Nutrition facts per serving 143 cal., 3 g total fat (1 g sat. fat) 27 mg calcium, 280 mg sodium, 8 g carbo., 1 g fiber, 22 g pro.

Food exchanges 1/2 fruit, 2 meat