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Italian Ham & Cheese Salad

Recipe By :Dotti's Website

3 Points per serving


12 ounces penne pasta

1 1/2 cups lean ham -- diced

1 1/2 cups shredded nonfat mozzarella cheese -- or

1 1/2 cups reduced-fat mozzarella cheese

1 red bell pepper -- cut into thin strips

4 scallions -- thinly sliced


1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt

1/4 cup nonfat mayonnaise

2 tablespoons nonfat mayonnaise -- or

2 tablespoons reduced-fat mayonnaise

3 tablespoons

Dijon mustard

1 1/2 teaspoons dried Italian seasoning


1. Cook the pasta al dente according to package directions. Drain, rinse with cold water, and drain again. Place the pasta in a large bowl. Add the ham, mozzarella, peppers, and scallions, and toss to mix.

2. In a small bowl, combine the dressing ingredients, and stir to mix well. Pour the dressing over the pasta mixture, and toss to mix. Cover the salad and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

Makes 12 Servings. Serving size (1 cup)

According to the website: Per serving: 171 Cal, 1g Fat, 1.5g Fib, 13mg Chol, 15g Pro, 435mg Sod


NOTES :Shared by Pamela S.