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Shared by: Jenn B.

3 Points Per Serving


3 lbs ground beef, 93% lean, 7% fat

1 1/4 cups seasoned bread crumbs

1/2 cup egg beaters

1 small chopped onion (if desired)

1 teaspoon oregano

1/2 teaspoon garlic salt

dash pepper


Mix all together and form meatballs (makes approx 52 meatballs). Bake at 350º for 20 minutes. I then put in crockpot with light or fat free spaghetti sauce and cook on low all day.

It makes a filling meal with 1 cup spaghetti (3pts);1/2 cup light sauce (1pt) and 3 meatballs (3pts) for a total of 7 pts. Serve with a garden salad for 0 points.

makes approx 52 meatballs, 1 pt per meatball

Jenn B.