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Mexican Meatloaf

Shared by: Mel

7 Points Per Serving


This is an old Weight Watchers Recipe. I think around 1985. Don't remember where I got it, but it is our favorite meatloaf recipe and the only one we use. I do not have the nutritional values for it, but I will have the points and exchanges.

1 Cup Chopped Onions

1 Cup chopped bell peppers, various colors.

1 tsp garlic powder

1 pkt weight watchers instant beef broth (equals about 2 tsps)

1 lb extra lean ground beef

4 oz shredded low fat cheddar cheese

1/4 cup plain bread crumbs

1/2 cup salsa

1/4 cup fat free sour cream

2 tsp worchestorshire sauce

1 tsp chilli powder.


Mix all together well. Place in a 8 inch sqare pan. Bake at 375ºf for about 45 mins.

Makes 4 servings

WW Points: 7

Old WW exchanges 4 protien 1 bread 1 1/2 vege 15 cal

Fat and Fiber exchanges 16 fat 1 1/4 fiber