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Pecan Pie

Recipe By : Pillsbury Fast & Healthy Mag.

8 Points per serving



1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

3 tablespoons sugar

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

3 tablespoons margarine -- cut into pieces

2 large egg whites


1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar

2 teaspoons all-purpose flour

1 1/4 cups light corn syrup

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

2 large eggs

2 egg whites

1/3 cup pecans -- coarsely chopped


1. Heat oven to 425º F. Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup; level off. In medium bowl, combine 1 1/4 cups flour, sugar and baking powder; mix well. With pastry blender or fork, cut in margarine until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. In small bowl, beat 2 egg whites until frothy. Add to flour mixture; stir with fork until mixture begins to hold together.

2. On lightly floured surface, quickly press and knead dough 3 or 4 times or until smooth. Sprinkle top of dough lightly with flour. Roll to an 11-inch round. If necessary, add flour 1 teaspoon at a time to prevent sticking. Fold dough in half; gently lift into 9-inch pie pan. Unfold; gently press in bottom and up sides of pan. Flute edge of crust as desired.

3. In large bowl, combine brown sugar, 2 teaspoons flour and corn syrup; mix until smooth. Add all remaining filling ingredients; mix until well combined. Pour into crust-lined pan. Cover edge of crust with strips of foil to prevent excessive browning.

4. Bake at 425º F. for 25 to 35 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Remove foil from crust edges after 20 minutes of baking. Center of pie may appear soft but puffed when removed from oven. Cool 30 minutes on wire rack or until completely cooled. Serve at room temperature or refrigerate until serving time. If desired, garnish with sugared pecans.*

8 Servings:

1/8 pie equals 390 cal; 9g. fat; 1g. fiber.

The crust equals 3 points by itself.

A Pillsbury Refrigerated Pie Crust also equals 3 points, so you could use the prepared dough and still have 1/8 of a pie for 8 points.