
This poem is about the long term struggles of Ireland and england. Ireland is represented as the female and england the "he".

Line 1: The conflicts between Ireland and england has been around for 800 years.
line 2: england was the first aggressor in the whole conflict.
line 3 and 4: england starved Ireland during the famines between 1845-1848. And instead of exporting food into the country expoted it out.
Line 5: The english tried to convert Ireland to anglicanism in the 1500's.
Line 6: Ireland during the last 3 centuries has had more people immigrate than any other country.
Line 7 and 8: When Ireland won independence in 1921, england split Ireland into the south and the north of Ireland.
Line 9 and 10: Ireland is still fighting for complete independence.
Line 11 and 12: The IRA terrorist bombings happen out of nowhere and have caused billions of dollars in damage, over the past 80 years.
Line 13, 14, 15, and 16: Everyone knows but not fully understands this situation in it's entire. The Island hopes that the english will leave.