My Music

All songs are instrmentals with several guitars looped onto one track. I don't bother with lyrics because most song writers' lyrics today have no meaning (with exceptions coming from Bono of U2, and Sheryl Crow) The first two songs have lyrics, as they are with the Band Four AD. The first song has Nate Provost on Guitar and the second with Walt Merchant and I on guitar. Derek Roberts drummed both songs. The Song "I Hate myself and Want to Die" is a very controversial song, as many people I showed it to do not like the lyrics. However considering it's a dedication song to Kurt Cobain (He wanted to name the 1993 album "In Utero" that name) I feel that it is very much neccssary. Some of the other songs' names are in spanish because I figure it doesn't matter since they are insturmentals and I usually am not good at making titles for songs, or poems, or short stories ect... If you want to comment, leave an email at

In a Song
I Hate Myself and Want to Die (4AD Version)
I Hate Myseld and Want to Die (Solo version)
Toda Está mi Culpa
Toda Está mi Culpa (With drums)
Toda Está mi Culpa (With drums and Piano)
La Guerra de Guernica