A Day With Zac Hanson (With Trouble...)
I'd probably start the day on a Saturday, during the summer and around 11 o clock.
Right now, if this day were about Taylor I'd be at page twelve. But I'm very moody so
maybe I could think of Zac forever and then fall back in love with Ike...which has
happened before...Forever doesn't seem so long. Especially since I promised I'd love
Ike...then I go to Taylor every let's say THREE MONTHS! Then, it becomes a routine
which I soulfully swear every single time I snap out of it that I wouldn't go back to my
endless days and hours spent with Taylor on my mind.It's come again. But this
time...maybe once again, it's the same thing that's put me in the Taylor mode. I have,
well, he has the eyes going for him. He has the body. That's all I've got to say. I don't
know how Taylor is and I probably never will at this point. If so, not any time soon. But,
he has the body. That's all. I can't say he's sweet and charming because I've already said
that of one person. I'd say it again and have to commit myself to only one person at a
time. That's never happened. What's ever happened to follow through love? Ha! That's
never happened with me! I try and try but then when I suddenly find something about Ike
that turns me off that I've been obsessing over such little time, I'll be quick to change my
mind about the dream that night. I'm so fickle...I wish myself to stop. Wait, I've said
everything all wrong. You all know how I can be, right? I will ALWAYS ALWAYS love
Isaac and the way he is. But...I don't know. I know that it is wrong to do whatever but
hey, it's not like I'm even TALKING to Isaac, now is it? Or Taylor. Zac, see, I don't know
why, I just always say the nicest things about you but I never ever think of you to
be...well...how I think of Ike and Tay (maybe at once...eek)! Isn't that odd? I make fun of
Ike and Tay whenever and I always say nice things about Zac and then, I never seem to
have lovey dovey crappy mushy slushy gross disgusting sexual dreams about him.
Hmmm, who'd thunk it?!?!?! Not I said the rabbit. But I do about Taylor. I've only had
one dream that has to do with love and intimate moments with Ike. That was over a year
ago. ALWAYS with Taylor. DO YOU EVER LOOK AT HIM, GUYS?!?!?! I mean,
that...I don't know what you'd call it anymore. It's just...Him. That's all. LOL! I've come to
worship the man and the only guy of Hanson I haven't spoke with! This is odd! Only
because I still have of him to imagine and I probably always will. I don't know a thing
about Taylor but I can always pretend with that body of his. And that's what is scary
Taylor, I'm not exactly the only one. But, you know, I know Ike (sorta) and I know Zac
...I know how ya'll are but I don't know how Taylor is. If he's some kind of freak or
weirdo. Wait, that thing at band camp tells me a lot about Taylor. Hmmm...His humor.
There, his very very very perverted sense of humor. Oh, but I couldn't ever try and blame
it to Taylor. He's 18 and probably has had millions of girlfriends who he has wanted to
fuck or try and give them something they'd never dream of poor innocent Taylor to ever
try. It's what guys do. And Taylor is gifted in that sense that he can do it and get away
with it and no one will say anything bad. He's the Michael Jackson of those who aren't
noticed. He will be noticed for what good he does, not the bad. Unless, of course, he goes
off and destroys his face with a Janet Jackson special at the "Masks Unlimited" Shop.
Which, of course, his sister probably put to market. I'm sorry but have you put the two
together, lately? They are twins, I promise. Now, this is Taylor, the one who only says no
one can worship him better than he. So, he probably wouldn't do such a thing. I'm
shocked he put another hole in his head as it is. He's probably dreamt once or twice how
it'd be if he didn't have that gorgeous looking stomach or those eyes that you seem to find
yourself lost in. Oh, then he starts screaming and running around the house naked while
Ike will dream about that one girlfriend he'll never find because he's whining wherever
she is, he can't find her and Zac will be dreaming why the hell he can't get more leads on
one stinking album. A crisis to Taylor is split ends. Zac, his motor not working. Ike, if he
found out he was gay.
I'm not trying to be rude, what I say here actually humors me and probably will for
a long while until I get the guts to share to anyone. Give me 24 hours. I mean, if you
think of it, does anyone really SERIOUSLY care why Taylor fell at the Montreal show?
Do they? I mean, hell, he laughed at himself...no wait, that's something Isaac would do.
Taylor fell, tried to do a trick, got back up and gave the act that he meant it all. Please tell
me Zac had a camera. But, everyone seemed to care when Zac would do something out
of the way. Now, I haven't seen one thing that was out of Zac's mood considered out of
the way. Maybe being a jack ass but not in front of people that they'd accept you as Zac
Hanson. Never once has Zac Hanson been critisized...for something he's great at. Now
Ike, if he does something WAY WAY off course guess who's laughing? I'll give you three
guesses. Nope, not Tay. No no no not Zac. BAM! Isaac. Isaac is sitting there laughing at
something stupid he did right on camera. Guess who claims they thought it was funny but
didn't laugh? I'll give you three guesses...Ike. That's all. I won't let you guess because
that's too stupid to give you choices. Now, guess which two are going home and hitting
theirselves in the head? And Taylor, I've said time before, he's all about himself. Zac
could care less if he looked like Taylor or Zac. He prefers to be himself and look like
himself but he truly could care less what the hell Taylor did. Cause to Zac, that's his
brother up there. That's not Taylor Hanson. But, Taylor Hanson is so Mighty perfect.
Taylor, the guy at home probably now sleeping or yelling at Ike for something stupid he
did, that's the one Zac sees and he never sees the imperfections in everything Taylor does
only because that's Taylor. Not Taylor Hanson. Then, Ike, everyone can sit there laughing
at the guy and he'd be wondering if there was a clown behind him. He'd probably look
once or twice and find nothing and that's exactly what's going to come to him if he
doesn't stop the crazy nonsense.
Remember the whole little talk I told ya'll that if Ike EVER dated a 16 year old I'd never
forgive him? I also told you that I'd still love him the same way. But I'd hate him for what
he'd do. See, right now, I truly truly love Isaac. His voice right now still gives me the
chills that aren't visible to everyone else. I will always love Isaac. The same way I have
for four years but only stronger each day. As I continue to, I find the odds and ends
everyone seems to point out to me. They probably are making people see what they see
"Some ugly freak show making fun of himself and is a shame to everyone else to be a
Hanson." Tell you the truth, I know Isaac isn't as beautiful as Taylor over there up on
stage where he can do everything but embarrass himself. And I know Ike isn't as funny as
Zac where Zac can probably laugh only because his jokes ARE funny. I know Ike is just
his own self. But I do know he is the most beautiful and humorous person I'll ever get to
talk to. Above all else he is who I'll always think of the one being well...put it easily,
perfect in no way at all. But very very perfect. Not one bit of him is but I see it and he's
there. It's there. He has that thing that I'll never forget but someday probably will of
Taylor...Not as much Zac cause he has been the most amazing guy ever walked this earth
these past weeks. I'll never truly thank him enough for that. Just how you'll never see
what's exactly right about what Taylor always does and how you'll never see how perfect
Ike really is.