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UFO Contact Experiences Present Psychological Aspects

FROM Dr. Melvin C. Redfern

======================== Introduction: Dr. Melvin wants to share with people who have similar experiences, who are interested in the role psychology plays in the abduction experience.

I'm interested in any of your interpretations of similar events. I frequently see green "fireflies" that appear and disappear in hedges around my home.

SUBJECT: UFO sightings FROM Dr.Melvin C. Redfern ( at DATE FILED: 06:39 am friday october 20, 2000

I'm interested in sharing with UFO experiencers. I'm not interested in debating but would like to share with folk who have experienced contact.My most conscious memory was two years ago in Texas, about 50 miles north of Dallas. I was attending a conference at the Law Enforcement Academy on Investigative Hypnosis. One night, in my hotel room, five white balls of light appeared at the foot of my bed. They were about the diameter of basketballs. After a few minutes they disappeared as quickly as they appeared. Then a similar size sphere that was brilliant red appeared to their right. I noticed that the light blinked off for negative answers to questions and blinked on for positive answers. I communicated for what seemed like three hours. I felt euphoric. There was no fear. These spheres were benevolent. The amazing thing was that during the night 80 people were arrested for disorderly conduct due to drinking alcohol. I didn't hear a thing. Perhaps I wasn't even there. I have developed a great respect for the planet and all living things since this experience. I'm a psychotherapist and utilize transpersonal healing, spirit releasement and hypnosis in my practice.What's amazing is that daily occurrences of being a channel for healing have resulted. Have any of the rest of you experiencers had any such experiences? I had a similar experience with the euphoria feeling during a mission in the Cuban Missile Crisis when I served in the Air Force. I believe that aliens were involved in diffusing the crisis because they knew how close we were to destroying the planet. I was regressed with hypnosis with a fellow MUFON investigator and recalled my first contact at age six. The beings wore long black robes with hoods and had black almond eyes. I have more and more realized that many mental health patients have been experiencers. For example, a recent hypnotherapy sessions to treat acrophobia (fear of heights) revealed UFO contact when the person was age 11. I'm interested in any of your interpretations of similar events. I frequently see green "fireflies" that appear and disappear in hedges around my home. The red sphere also appears episodically for a brief moment to sort of remind me that he or she was real. Three of my five children have also been experiencers of UFO's. Have any of the rest of you experiencers had these experiences "run" in the family? I look forward to hearing from some of you.. Mel




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