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I don't know if you know anybody in BC ufology, but here is a story with a really interesting aspect to it. In the fall of 1975 I sent emails to UFO places all around the world. I sent one to J. Allen Hynek and I am not sure the name of the place today. If there was a really famous UFO place present in the mid 70s I wrote them a letter. I also wrote a letter to a UFO place in BC. Most of these letters would have been written in the fall of 95, and unfortunately it is impossible for me to be more specific than that, but I was in contact with one organization earlier this year, when I was working on my website, and they said that such letters are usually archived and can be found if you know the date and so on.

I am very interested in finding even so much as one of these letters, because they were written right in the middle of the UFO wave in Melville that year and if its a story you want that you can feature on your site, well the best story I can think of is one of those letters. I mention it to you because it could be the case that you are better connected to the whole UFO scene than I am and maybe you might even have more 'pull' to get someone to actually bother to do a look through the archives for one of those letters.

The UFO magazine in BC (I cannot remember the title) I received in January of 76 so it would have been the late 75 issue (if I remember right it was quarterly). They published a brief extract of my letter (the episode at Jasper Park) along with my sketch of the object surrounded by the rainbow. The long letter I assume they would have 'archived' somewhere. Much of what was in these letters was simply duplication, so even finding one would be a real coup I think. I would actually like to scan it and just post the gifs of the handwritten pages on my site, and reading such a letter I am sure would bring back a flood of memories (it was the most fun I ever had. As to why the rest of the town was 'panicing' - the words of the Melville Advance - was something I could never understand. It was marvelous. I loved it, and I would love the spark a flood of memories by reading one of those old letters and I am so glad I wrote so many, because the odds of recovering even one seem greater for the effort).

Fortunately I am a fanatical archivist, so there isn't a file that ever existed on my computer that has not been archived. Unfortunately I am not always the most organized archivist so I am currently searching for the archived copies of the email correspondance of that one UFO place that said that yes, they did keep everything archived. I believe that it was the place that used to be run by Hynek, and I am not sure what it was called off the top of my head. Hynek and a UFO mag publisher of the mid 70s in the okanogan of BC, the only two places I can specifically remember sending those letters too, and there were others as well but I can't remember (they would have been the most well known UFO places in the mid 70s thus attracting my attention and another one of my letters).

So I am going to search my archive CDs for those emails from earlier this year and I will drop you a quick note when I confirm the name of that place I was corresponding with. But in any case, if you have connections and contacts in the Ufo field, you might consider seeing if you know someone who knows someone etc who might be able to convince someone to put in what ever effort is needed to find one of those original letters and then you would definately have a story to put on your site.

And I would love to relive the experience the first hand on the spot report of what was going on then written right at the time it was all happening. One thing I remember about those letters is my constant overuse of the phrase 'now you aren't going to believe this but...' And maybe you might have a friend who knows someone who knows someone else who knows something about UFO magazines published in mid BC canada during the mid 70s or maybe someone might even think, 'hey, i remember that issue with the sasquatch on the cover'

I would love to post a gift of that cover and the page with my article on it. The editor mentioned that a second person also wrote in about the same rainbow object in Jasper Park that summer. I would also love to find the editor of that mag so I can find out who the second witness was who saw that rainbow object in jasper park (could it have been that man in the campground next door - that would have been amazing).

But like I said the place was once run by Hynek, and now its called something else I think. when I find that archived email I will drop you a quick note and perhaps you might tell a friend who has a friend...etc thanks for everything brent herbert oh, and by the way, I think they might need geographic info - place Melville Saskatchewan, time late summer or most likely September 1975. Its possible I sent something in October, but that seems unlikely as I was too zealous to spread the news. I remember being in school when I wrote some of those letters so that is why I say 'september'. Unfortunately that is as specific as I can get. That can be kind of braod and that is why it might help to have a friend who has a friend who has a friend etc. Those letters exist and the story they tell is something you might be interesting in featuring on your site and much better than anything I would ever write now..thanks

Christopher Montgomery wrote: > > Brent; > > Yes, I was wondering... ===== REPLY Brent; Thanks, that was an interesting side note to your story about the Melville UFO wave, (it) adds a little colour to your experience data....I will post the information to my newsgroups...perhaps they can network and find the information for you...usually, that takes a lot of time, and if someone, anyone.... feels compelled to do so, then they'll persue it. I can post it under information please and we'll give a go and see what happens. ~Christopher Montgomery

Here is some additional information, which may assist you in locating witnesess:
----- Original Message ----- From: brent herbert ( To: Investigator Montogmery ( Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 4:05 AM Subject: an old ufo case > I was living in Melville Saskatchewan Canada during the time > when there was a 'UFO flap' that lasted several months. I wrote quite a > few letters describing the events that took place over the course of > this summer, and I recall sending one to Hynek. Would it be possible > that a copy of this letter might still exist? I am interesting in > tracking a copy down. Brent Herbert > Thanks....



----- Original Message ----- From: brent herbert

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