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PARANORML NEWs NETWORK (P3N) SPECIAL REPORT Creatures Return to Haunt Bakersfield Family

August 30, 2000 Bakersfield (P3N) One day after Gary Lowery told an audience at the Bay Area UFO Expo about his family's ongoing contact with strange creatures, the intruders returned for another visit. Early Monday morning at 12:03am Lowery, a 10-year fire safety officer with the Bakersfield Fire Department, was awakened by the sound of his bedroom closet doors creaking. Lowery stated the creatures use the closet door as a portal into his home. As he looked towards the door, he was able to observe a "silver-colored object" which slowly retracted. He then noticed a "cone-shaped beam" causing the closet doors to become transparent and he was able to see into the closet where the light was shining. Shortly thereafter, a "purple bubbling object" began to form. He looked away to see if he was hallucinating but when he looked back it was still there and getting progressively larger. He then saw a "bright white-blue structure" forming which resembled the number 7. Gary further told P3N that when he awoke later that morning he noticed that an implant which had been in his body for three years was gone. He believes it had been removed during the night. Peter A. Gersten, attorney and director of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) told P3N that he is dismayed at the lack of interest by UFO investigators and researchers in this continuing drama. "I can understand our mainstream media not being interested, but I would think that every UFO investigator in and around California would be flocking to Bakersfield with the latest technology to collect and preserve all possible evidence" stated Gersten. Gersten is presently considering a proposal to create an Internet watch. The plan is to install a series of videocams in the Lowery bedroom to monitor and record the nightly developments live on the Internet.

P3N BULLETIN: Lowery's Daughter Finds Marks on Body

PARANORML NEWs NETWORK (P3N) BULLETIN Nine-Year Old Bakersfield Girl Finds Marks on Chest September 1, 2000 Bakersfield (P3N) The nine-year old daughter of Gary Lowery, the Bakersfield man whose family has been encountering strange creatures in their home for the past two years, told her father yesterday that she had discovered several marks on her chest. On examination, the marks consisted of three rows of small needle penetrations evenly spaced and parallel 2.25"x 2.5". They were located over the sternum, the same area where Gary's mark had been discovered.

PARANORML NEWs NETWORK (P3N) SPECIAL REPORT: Lowery Family's Strange Occurrences Continue

September 5, 2000 Bakersfield, California (P3N) Bakersfield Fire Safety Officer Gary Lowery now has further proof that something very unusual is going on in his home. Looking under his bed for a misplaced watch, he found it drained of power and coated in a slippery white powder. "It was gross" Lowery told P3N. Lowery also stated that about seven months ago he found blood and a strange plastic-like tube in his stool. Lowery is amassing a large collection of evidence including videos, a claw-like object, possible footprints, an unusual tube and now a watch with a strange substance.

Reference#1: From: To: Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 19:42:56 EDT Subject: P3N Special Report: Creatures Return to Haunt Bakersfield Family

Reference#3: From: Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 21:35:13 EDT Subject: P3N SPECIAL REPORT: Lowery Experiences Continue

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