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Dear Karen; Hi, this is Christopher Montgomery again. I was quite fascinated with your personal account of being "touched by a real angel." You had mentioned just some of your personal experiences with the paranormal in association with known UFO events. Question: Were you having paranormal occurrances before the UFO sighting, or did they begin afterwards? Please explain...thanks! Christopher Montgomery [UFORCE]

Good timing Chris as I was just posting something about that - many people have asked me the exact same thing so I thought I'd better respond. I'll just copy it in here for you. Karen


By Karen Lyster, September 15, 2000

Karen Lyster, author After my article that detailed my own missing time experience, I have received a large number of emails asking me whether the paranormal occurrences were linked to the UFO encounter and if I had experienced any paranormal/psychic activity 'before' the UFO/ET interaction.

My own personal experiences dealing with paranormal occurences 'after' a UFO encounter is quite extensive. Here are just a few of the things that occured and were witnessed by others who were present.

Let me first start to answer these questions by drawing on the research involving the links between people having UFO encounters and the paranormal activity that followed. The statistical research clearly shows there is indeed a very strong link between the two, and in a very large proportion of cases regarding abductions/UFO experiences, there has also been reported, the introduction paranormal activity into a large segment of the people involved. Of course one can say that the interaction between the individual and 'any' UFO experience is in itself paranormal in many ways as the experience draws upon many aspects that we all would associated with such 'out of this realm' activity. But if we set aside the initial UFO/ET experience and only relate what happens after that episode, we will more often than not find that the person/s will experience some form of paranormal interaction which also includes a heightened awareness of their own psychic abilities.

The questions raised here are numerous. Is the paranormal activity directly associated with the UFO encounter, or is it merely a by-product of it? In my own experience I would have to say the latter. My reasons for this is I have studied many 1000's of cases where such levels of paranormal activity have occurred after abductions and ET experiences. I personally believe that most people who have the ability to tune into areas of the brain and subconscious mind are not gifted or anything other than 'normal'. In my opinion, it's not only 'normal' to display these 6th sense abilities but completely 'abnormal' not to display them. Unfortunately you only need look around at the state the world has gotten itself into to see the 'cause-and-effect' of cutting off these abilities has made. It is very clear to me that we all are born with the openness to embrace these senses, but these are very quickly dampened by everything that surrounds us as we grown in those early months and years. It's extremely difficult for those kinds of senses to establish themselves as acceptable patterns if everything around you doesn't embrace them, and in fact, just like a flickering flame gasping or more oxygen, it is blown out instead of nurtured.

So as we age those latent abilities are still there and always will be, but hardly ever accessed as we do not draw upon them unless something also operating on that level silently slips past and stirs our 'sleeping' 6th sense. What appears to happen in the case of UFO Abductions and ET Experiences is that part of the actual experience is indeed based upon a totally different non-3rd-dimensional level and just like a key to a secret room, the experience unlocks the doors to that closed off portion of our senses and uses that to relay a large portion of the experience back to the experiencer, hence the often non-senseical events that people continually relay about the interaction.

Once the initial experience is over, it appears that by opening accessibility to that 6th sense it allows other energies to manifest. Now because we have had this alibility closed off for our entire lives, we are not in a the position of being educated on how to use it, or indeed how 'not' to use it. It's a bit like standing on the doorstep of your home where there is a raging storm outside and the door being the access point to your sixth sense. Once that door is open it's very hard to close it (at least not in the immediate timeframe), and there you stand, holding the door partially open with the winds raging around you and yet behind you it's all 'still and quiet' as it has always been. The opening of this sense during the UFO experience does not mean 'it's up and running' like a well oiled machine. To 'hone' senses like this takes an entire lifetime and as we all know that lifetime usually doesn't include an open arm embrace to this portion of your 'natural' abilities.

The paranormal activity does seem to settle down after awhile and that is probably because after a prolonged period of time, that door to your ability starts to close... it will never close completely, but it will ease up substantially. It's such a shame to me that most people who experiences these kinds of things, can't be nurtured in such a way as to develop and fine tune these abilities so it's not a tornado of paranormal activity raging their lives, but more like a gentle breeze which is a joy to walk along side of and learn from.

I will be posting more of my own experiences shortly that detail many UFO experiences and also the paranormal activity that followed. Indeed that 'door' in my own world has never closed and has remained opened since I was a small child. So my experiences continue to unfold and I continue to try to understand them. It's one hell of a ride ;).

Karen, First , thanks for that authorization to reprint...I am convinced that there is a direct link between the para-normal and UFO phenomenon...Christopher

Christopher~ I totally agree with you about the PSI/UFO connection - I've been lucky to experience it from a researchers point of view and from an experiencers view point. I'm 100% certain that it's related. I have had experiences since I was a little girl and of course had my abilities open alot more before of it. Mind you I learnt at a pretty young age to keep my mouth shut most of the time or people like parents/family would think I was completely bonkers ;) But the experiences I've had in living arrangement have been experienced/witnessed by a large number of people who were also living there so I know that it not only affects the person who had the UFO experience but it manifests itself in a way that affects everyone in close proximity - they had no trouble 'seeing' what I was seeing so thats interesting! ...Karen

The UFO phenomenon presents paranormal aspects, with physical properties. This was understood by Jacques Vallee back in 1975 when he published his book THE INVISIBLE COLLEGE. In it, he discusses the difficulties he faced when confronted with the evidence which presented two dynamic schools of thought; to wit~ the physical as well as the supernatural aspects of the UFO mystery.

While one group (the scientific) studied the UFO phenomenon as a purely physical, possibly extraterrestrial phenomena, it shuned any possible connection with the psychic. "At the same time," he says, "it was amusing to observe the initial reluctance of those who had spent all their lives studying poltergeists, telepathy and the human aura to consider the subject of UFOs." Neither side seems willing to address all aspects of this issue: the UFO and related alien contact experiences present paranormal as well as physical aspects. Vallee states "But once the connection was established, there could not be any more doubt that we had to deal with one, not with two subjects; not with two sets of phenomenoa but with a single universe of events in which a single set of laws was in force." (Vallee, IBID page 186) Our study continues in Section III; "Touched by a REAL Angel."




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