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FILER'S FILES #35--2000

George Filer and [mufon] Eastern

UFO REPORTS RELATIVELY LOW: Heavy rains in Eastern US, sweltering heat in South, fires in West and a mass ejection of electrified gas from the sun's corona on September 1, 2000, kept UFO reports low. Sunspot activity remains fairly high in recent weeks but sightings are reported in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Canada, and Pakistan. Debunker Phil Klass denies that the US Government has ridiculed those who see UFOs.


POMPTON PLAINS -- Chis writes that he observed a UFO on August 8, 2000. It was silver, no lights, and at > first it seemed long looking but changed shape to typical UFO or disc look. My brother and sister saw it too, but I had the first and closest view. I took about a two minute video showing the UFO rotating frame by frame. Thanks to Chris.


POTTSTOWN -- I was observing the night sky from a hill in Berks County, west of town on August 20, 2000, at 10:00 PM. I saw a disc shaped object moving slowly and silently from south to north above the Limerick Nuclear Power Plant. I was 6 miles from the power plant and from my point of view, the UFO appeared about 1/2 inch across, The sky was clear. The object was flying at approximately 700 feet. I used binoculars and could see the object clearly. It was transparent and glassy around the entire surface, with bright lights, blue, white, red, and orange, flashing across the center of the object. I also observed another, tiny white flashing light below and to the north of the object, traveling near it. I observed the disc until it was no longer in my field of vision. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director National Reporting Center


MT. JULIET -- I saw two cylinder shaped UFOs in close formation on August 21, 2000. They were moving across the sky to the southwest at 7:35 PM. The sun had just gone below the horizon and the objects seemed to be reflecting sunlight. I'm not sure of their altitude but it must have been at least ten thousand feet for them to still be reflecting sunlight. First, I thought they were large military aircraft flying in formation, but as they passed overhead and the trailing object seemed to break formation and continue in a more southerly direction. They moved fairly quickly and made no noise. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director National Reporting Center


James Bond Johnson the photographer of the Roswell crash debris flown to General Ramey's office in 1947 writes, "We have further evidence that this series of historic photos is not part of a staged "press conference" but the press camera chronicling a high level initial personal investigation of the strange wreckage by the commanding general of the 8th U. S. Air Force. "Neil Morris from the University of Manchester, England' has made fascinating observations that some of the "debris" displayed in my six Ramey Office Photos "move around" in some of the shots. I spent some time carefully comparing these photo enlargements. I completely concur with Neil that many of the debris objects in fact ARE arrayed differently in some shots! Further, the later photo taken of Warrant Officer Newton and the debris was drastically "sanitized" and a number of key objects seen in my six shots -- including the bars upon which the glyphs appear -- are not to be seen in the Newton shot. It occurs to me that the likely reason for this strange development is that as General Ramey apparently was conducting his initial examination during the photo shoot he would have been picking up various pieces, looked them over and then replaced them on the pile. This also is consistent with our growing beliefs that the Ramey Message -- which obviously is being read by General Ramey during the photo shoot -- contained information that caused General Ramey to take several drastic and unprecedented actions immediately thereafter:
1. He prevented any further exposure of the Roswell crash debris to any known members of the media, or any other civilians.
2. He did not hold any "press conference" but only gave vague answers on the phone or through his staff to questions by the press. He never mentioned the Roswell Incident again after that day and ordered his staff -- at least Colonel Dubose and Major Marcel -- to "NEVER" discuss this incident with anyone.
3. He ordered his weather officer, Warrant Officer Newton, to rush to the general's office and after a hurried "briefing" arranged for Newton to agree that the displayed debris was "nothing but a weather device!"
4. Ramey then went immediately to radio station WBAP where he broadcast live to the waiting world that the debris displayed in his office -- earlier officially announced by the AAF as being "a captured flying saucer" -- actually was "nothing but a weather device!" It was quite extraordinary that an Air Force commanding general in 1947 would take these kinds of personal and official steps. Normally such announcements would have been made through his PIO or other staff officer.
5. No member of the media EVER has been permitted to examine or even to see this debris ever again, even though more than 53 years have passed. Thanks to Col. James Bond Johnson


FORSYTH -- I live up high on a ridge which looks toward the south on September 1, 2000, while having breakfast on our deck, I watched a precise line of contrails 6 in a row so far; they are still doing them as I type. They are short bursts of contrails probably 10 to 20 miles in length, all in a row, and the contrails persist and are gradually spreading out. Earlier they must have been doing this north of Forsyth because I also looked directly above my house from the deck and there was two contrails which had been done earlier because they were very spread out and turning into cloud-like wisps. These current contrails look as if they are drifting slowly toward the northwest. Thanks to Ken in Forsyth


PALOS VERDES PENINSULA -- Jeffrey Griffith writes several years ago, two friends of mine were driving in a convertible along the Palos Verdes Drive in L.A. County. They saw a large glowing light moving very swiftly underwater from the general direction of just east of Santa Catalina Island towards them. They watched the light surge toward the cliffs below, but their view was blocked by the cliffs. Suddenly a bright UFO flew up over the cliff's edge and over their heads, and up the ravine cut into the steep slope of the mountain. They chased after it with their sports car speeding up the road, then drove off the road as high up as they could go. They then ran further up the hill toward residences high up the mountain. Abruptly, they were accosted by a policeman in an "odd" uniform and police car, who asked them what they were doing there? They told him what they saw and that they were investigating it. He told them that they were trespassing on private property and that they would have to leave, so they did. A few weeks later on the same area, my friends were paced by a shiny, metallic disc for some distance before it took off into the night sky. Thanks to Jeff Griffith A site focused exclusively on incidents involving UFOs and water is:


CAPE BRETON -- Eugene H. Frison the MUFON Provincial Director reports that another Flying Black Triangle was observed in the region by a new set of witnesses on August 1, 2000. The local newspaper carried an article claiming three of these flying black triangles were spotted by multiple witnesses. Again, on August 13, 2000, another Flying Black Triangle was viewed by multiple witnesses. These sightings occurred in the River Bourgeois area of Cape Breton near the Atlantic Ocean. The Cape Breton Post newspaper article August 25, 2000, contains a good representation of one of the objects. This photo was taken from the television screen as the witness played the master tape for the media. Attempts are being made to obtain copies. In January of this year, a paperboy observed another Flying Black Triangle in a cemetery. This occurred in Cape Breton (Glace Bay) and you published the incident in Filer's Files #6-2000, with an update in #19- 2000. I am presently investigating these incidents for MUFON and will keep you informed. Thanks to Eugene H. Frison


Harry Mason writes, "I have some input for you on the disappearing aircraft technology?" I have a friend in a foreign country who is their top English language translator. I will not name the country for her safety. In the early 1980s, she went with a foreign military delegation from her country to the USA to meet with top US Military. She translated for both sides. One aspect of their visit was to observe film and hard technology of the operation of a "cloaking device." This made ships, aircraft, or airfields totally invisible in reflected light and radar wavebands. It was being offered to her country as an inducement to back US policy. The device was capable of retrofitting to any aircraft etc. There is "eyewitness" evidence of such a device in operation at an RAF-NATO airbase on the Mull of Kintyre in Scotland. One day a bunch of golfers noticed a 'V' shape wave rushing across the calm sea surface with a vague shimmering space in the air above it -- similar to that seen in the movie "Predator." The 'V' wave of unsettled water and the shimmering air shot towards them at a fair speed and the shimmering went over their heads accompanied by a loud roaring noise -- exactly in line with the airstrip. They concluded that a high powered invisible aircraft had approached low over the water and landed at the airfield. Thanks to Harry Mason


Investigator John Thompson interviewed a crewman from the USS Roosevelt who told of that the ship was operating near "Gitmo Bay, Cuba. " On leaving the area on October 18, 1956, the ship hit "something" that was submerged. Whatever they hit, it raised the fully loaded 64,000 ton ship out of the water nearly three feet! According to the retired chief they were never told what they hit. Scuttlebutt had it that they had hit a submarine. What is certain is that they did not hit a reef or run-aground? As far as hitting a submarine, the witness is doubtful. He said in his twenty-odd years in the Navy he never heard of a carrier raising out of the water on hitting something. The ship soon after went into dry dock in Virginia, to repair the considerable damage done. Thanks to John Thompson and ISUR.


I am Beth of the Downers grove sighting. I read Filer's Files #34, and I feel I must respond to one of the articles on UFO's and the ocean. I feel that just because the reason for underwater crashed and sudden boat sinking are not confirmed does not mean UFO's are abundant in our sea. I feel that we are not given credit for how much we do know about our sea. In fact there are some very plausible explanations for these crashes and sinkings. The seas are extremely volatile. They act in sudden changes. Supercells clouds that form above the warmer waters of the ocean (like the Bermuda Triangle) can produce sudden and violent down drafts that can reach over 200 miles per hour with no notice and very little evidence of the occurrence. If any aircraft was caught in such a terrible force, they would crash and sink so fast, there would be virtually no time to radio help or location. There are literally tons of a substance called methane hydrate under the sediment at the bottom of the sea. When this sediment is ruptured or disturbed, then Methane Hydrate releases a lot of methane gas. For example, when you are drawing water from a water cooler in an office, the bubbles start small at the bottom and then grow until they reach the top and burst, sometimes hitting the top of the blue container. The same sort of thing happens here, but it takes over two miles before it hits the surface, and then the sea literally boils. If a ship was passing over an area where this gas was being released, the ship would loose buoyancy and sink, immediately. Also, if you were a sub and were cruising along at 12 knots and hit a huge bubble of methane gas, you would feel like you hit another sub, and if that highly combustible gas were to be drawn in, you would probably explode. This, happens without warning. The firing of a test missile may have disturbed the sediment. Methane Hydrade is so powerful, it is being considered as a fuel source. Methane Hydrate released from the ocean contributes to global warming 400 time more than human pollutants. Thanks to Beth. Editors Note: We may never know what happened to the Kursk, but the Russian government is sticking to their story that their sub hit an underwater object most likely a submarine. I got a call from a Navy diver who claims they see some very strange craft underwater.


An American scientist DR James says the ice cap at the North Pole has melted. Oceanographer McCarthy, says he found a mile-wide stretch of open ocean on his trip this August to the North Pole aboard a Russian Ice Breaker. Some experts believe it is the first time in more than 50 million years that the North Pole has been covered in water rather than ice. They point to it as further evidence of global warming -- but other scientists say movements in polar ice regularly create gaps in the ice cap -- including at the North Pole itself. "It was totally unexpected," he said. Another scientist on the cruise, paleontologist DR Malcolm C. McKenna, said the ship was able to sail all the way to the North Pole through only a thin crust of ice, and arrived on the spot to discover no ice at all. "I don't know if anybody in history ever got to 90 degrees north to be greeted by water, not ice," DR McKenna was quoted as saying. In the past the North Pole has been covered by 9 feet of ice.


CAIRO -- Egypt's Pilots' Federation has threatened to file a lawsuit against the US President if the US investigation committee fails to consider all possible causes of last year's EgyptAir plane crash, including missiles and technical failure. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said earlier this month it had been unable to conclude what caused the crash of Flight 990 from New York to Cairo, which plunged into the Atlantic on October 31, 1999, killing all 217 aboard. US says they are working on a theory that relief copilot Gamil al-Batouti deliberately crashed the plane. The NTSB's assessment dismissed Egyptian theories that technical problems on the Boeing 767 or that surface-to-air missiles downed the craft," said Ali Murad, of the Egyptian Pilots' Federation. `They have no tangible evidence that Batouti committed suicide,'' Murad said. ``But they have many witnesses of the fireballs flying towards the plane,'` The Egyptians want the US authorities to release radar images and to question an air traffic controller, as well as two pilots from Germany and Jordan said to have seen a missiles while flying in the area at the time of the crash. Five fishermen are possible witnesses. EgyptAir Chairman Mohamed Fahim Rayan said last week he was 99 percent sure a technical problem in the elevator system caused the crash, citing Boeing's bulletin as evidence to inspect the elevators on the horizontal tail surface. Thanks to Ed Komarek and Esmat Salaheddin (Reuters)


DERA GHAZI KHAN -- An UFO from the west side landed in the tribal area of Dera Ghazi Khan on August 27, 2000, reports reaching here said. The UFO which was seen flying over Fort Munro and Rakhi Gaaj towns hit the ground between Baghalchor and Rounghin, some 80km from here, at 8.30 PM. Sources in the Border Military Police quoted tribesmen living in Rounghin area as saying the unidentified flying object had come from the West, Balochistan. "It was nose-diving and after a few moments the sky was lit up," the tribesmen said. The area where the UFO probably landed was deserted and was the second UFO which landed in the tribal area in the last two weeks. Its wreckage was removed by members of sensitive agencies a few days ago. Thanks to Tariq Birmani and Don Ware

Editors Note: Some of the seven objects streaking through the skies in Balochistan on August 15, were probably Ghauri III missiles, tested by Pakistan deliberately on India's Independence Day. The missiles are being developed by Pakistan to carry its recently exploded atomic bomb against its potential adversaries such as India. Historically, when the US and other countries were developing atomic weapons UFOs were also frequently seen and reported around such areas as White Sands Proving Grounds. Intelligence sources indicate Pakistan has likely obtained the two-stage North Korean Taepodong-1 missile, which uses the Nodong as its first stage. The rash of UFO sightings probably indicate the visitors are interested in Pakistan's nuclear missile progress. "SPYTIME" THE UNDOING OF JAMES JESUS ANGLETON, Although a novel "SPYTIME," this latest work by William Buckley is clearly identified as based on Angleton's career over three decades in the OSS and CIA, even if half the pages are taken up by an account of Antonio Crespi, presumably a fictional recruit and Angleton protégé. According to reviewer Allen Weinstein the result is an "absorbing but at times disconnected narrative, illustrating some of modern American tradecraft's recurrent dilemmas." Please see below and the follow on report for a possible UFO/Mj12 connection:


Debunker Phil Klass writes, "This is to challenge the false allegation by Jeff Chandler in FF #34 that there is a U.S. Government "policy of aggressive attacks on [UFO] witnesses," and your claim that "there really is a national policy to ridicule UFO reports." I herewith offer to contribute $1,000 to your favorite charity for each and every one of the many dozens of UFO reports publicized in Filer's Files since its inception--in response to which ANY U.S. Government agency has issued a statement which "attacked" the person(s) reporting a UFO sighting or "ridiculed" the report. Excluded from my generous offer are the USAF reports which it issued in the mid-1990s based on its investigation into the "Roswell Incident," which the USAF conducted at the request of the General Accounting Office.

You err in claiming that the Robertson Panel of five top scientists (including a Nobel Prize winner) "was formed at the request of the White House to quell the situation." In fact, the Robertson Panel was convened by the CIA to assess the best UFO cases to assist that agency in deciding whether to request White House approval to launch its own research into UFOs. This was disclosed in documents declassified and released in late 1978--as reported in my book "UFOs: The Public Deceived." (Chapter 3) You err also in your claim that the Robertson Panel was "given several poor UFO cases to examine." Among the many UFO cases presented to the Panel were TWO home-movies of UFOs, taken by Coomamder Delbert Newhouse and Nicholas Mariana. According to David M. Jacobs' book "The UFO Controversy in America" (P. 92): "The Project Blue Book staff believed the films were among the best evidence it had to give credence to the extraterrestrial intelligence hypothesis."

Reference your claim that "CIA documents reveal one of the panel's recommendations was that a policy of debunking UFO reports should be instigated." What a gross, perverse distortion of the Robertson Panel's wise recommendations, highlights of which are quoted below:

"(1) Pursuant to the request of the [CIA] Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence, the undersigned Panel of Scientific Consultants has met to evaluate any possible threat to national security posed by Unidentified Flying Objects (`Flying Saucers'), and to make recommendations thereon. The Panel has received the evidence as presented by cognizant intelligence agencies, primarily the Air Technical Intelligence Center (USAF), and has reviewed a selection of the best documented incidents.

"(2) As a result, the Panel concludes that the evidence presented on Unidentified Flying Objects shows no indication that these phenomena constitute a direct physical threat to national security. We firmly believe there is no residuum of cases which indicates phenomena which are attributable to foreign artifacts capable of hostile actions, and that there is no evidence that the phenomena indicate a need for the revision of current scientific concepts.

"(3) The Panel further concludes that the continued emphasis on reporting of these phenomena does, in these parlous times, result in a threat to the orderly functioning of the protective organs [i.e., Armed Services] of the body politic. We cite as examples THE CLOGGING OF CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATIONS BY IRRELEVANT REPORTS, THE DANGER OF BEING LED BY CONTINUOUS FALSE ALARMS TO IGNORE REAL INDICATIONS OF HOSTILE ACTION [i.e., Soviet air attack], and the cultivation of a morbid national psychology in which SKILLFUL HOSTILE PROPAGANDA COULD INDUCE HYSTERICAL BEHAVIOR AND HARMFUL DISTRUST OF DULY CONSTITUTED AUTHORITY. [Emphasis added.]

"(4) In order most effectively to strengthen the national facilities for the timely recognition and appropriate handling of true indications of hostile action, and to minimize the concomitant dangers alluded to above, the Panel recommends:

"(a) That the national security agencies take immediate steps to strip Unidentified Flying Objects of the special status they have been given and the aura of mystery they have unfortunately acquired.

"(b) That the national security agencies institute policies on intelligence, training, and public education designed to prepare the material defenses and the morale of the country to recognize more promptly and to react more effectively to the TRUE INDICATIONS OF HOSTILE INTENT OR ACTION. [emphasis added.]


In the early 1950s, when the Robertston Panel made these recommendations, the U.S. was desperately trying to build a radar network which could warn of possible Soviet nuclear attack. But we were still largely dependent on volunteer human observers (of which I was one: from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. on Tuesday nites). The Robertson Panel wisely warned of the REAL threat to national security: spurious UFO reports, clogging communications channels, etc. Also, spurious UFO reports breeding "harmful distrust of duly constituted authority." Thanks to Phil Klass.

Editor's Note: I certainly am aware of the former Soviet threat, but as a former Intelligence Office I feel the US Government made a major mistake in not handling UFOs in a forth right manner. They potentially lost thousands of UFO sighting reports, and some could have been Soviet aircraft, because their policy of ridicule. Major Keyhole tells of a sighting by an Electra airline crew approaching Washington when a strange flying object hurtled toward the plane. To the terrified crew they seemed only seconds from a fatal collision in January 3, 1965. This started a flap of reports and a huge lying disc flashed over NASA Wallops Island, Virginia two days later. The satellite tracking chief , Dempsey Bruton, calculated its speed at over a hundred miles a minute. According to the book "Aliens from Space", Major Keyhole states, "Dempsey Bruton, and other Space Administration observers at Wallops Island, were labeled incompetent. Without the slightest investigation, AF Headquarters said the Navy radar was found to be faulty, then for good measure it branded the radar operators as inexperienced. Within forty-eight hours, dozens of other factual reports were hastily explained as mistakes or hoaxes." I ask anyone who has called a government agency and had them ridicule your UFO report to please contact me. I personally have had this happen when contacting Mc Guire Air Force Base concerning sightings near the base.


Jeff Challender has prepared a new tape of various UFOs that appear on recent Shuttle Tape footage. Jeff has noticed that when NASA is picking up UFOs they have tendency to first zoom in to observe the UFO better and then they cut the feed to the outside world. Jeff spends hundreds of hours watching the shuttle broadcasts from space. He is probably more of an expert at watching NASA tapes than most NASA personnel. Even those onboard the shuttle are unlikely to see what Jeff does because of his experience watching numerous missions. Using Jeff's directions I have learned to pickup up the difference between space junk, ice crystals and real UFOs. Using his experience you can also learn the difference. One segment has 24 UFOs watching the shuttle from space. I feel confident we could go into a court of law and convince any jury that there are UFOs moving at high speed around the Earth. Send $25 to Jeff Challender 2768 Mendel Way Sacramento, California 95833-2011


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PHOTOGRAPH BOOKLET of some of the best UFO shots available and data on their propulsion systems by US Navy Commander Graham Bethune.. $10.00. Send check or money order to G. Filer 222 Jackson Road, Medford, New Jersey 08055

MUFON UFO JOURNAL -- For more detailed monthly investigative reports subscribe by contacting Mention I recommended you for membership. Filer's Files is copyrighted 2000 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the files on their Web Sites provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. Send your letters to Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name, address, or story confidential.


Filer's Files #35 -- 2000, MUFON Skywatch Investigations
George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern
September 4, 2000, Sponsored by Electronic Arts, C. Warren
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