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Ancient knowledge in Ethiopia?

The views and opinions expressed here are not the only ones to the material which we will examine.

Richard Moss, has forwarded this to UFORCE recently, and we are posting it here, because it deals with a highly controversial subject involving the inter-breedeing of extraterrestrials and humans. An ancient manuscript can be interpreted in a number of ways. Knowing how easy it is to mis-interpret ancient texts without the proper translation tools, we remind you that THE BOOK OF ENOCH could easily be mis-translated.


Library of Congress catalog number 80-65736 Beginning in Chapter 15 we learn; [Addressing the Extraterrestrials] Why have you forsaken the lofty and holy heaven, which endures forever, and have lain with women [reproduced with humans. And why] have [you] defiled yourselves with the daughters of men; have taken to yourselves wives; have acted like the sons of the earth, and have begotten giants? You...have begotten in carnal blood; have lusted in the blood of men, and have done as those who are flesh and blood do. [They reproduced with humans, resulting in violent conduct among humans. This union between physical and heavenly beings is unnatural and explains, among other things, why we have contradictions between human thoughts and behavior. Why we sometimes desire one course of action, yet do something completely different. ETs' genetic engineering effects every race and is scientifically verified by congenital (genetic) birth defects, the conflicting RH factor found in the blood, perverted sexual desires, and human suffering from all sorts of inherent weaknesses.] Chap. 18:6. The stars [symbolizing the extraterrestrials] which roll over fire are those which transgressed the Commandment of God before their time arrived; for they came not in their proper season. [At some future date we are intended to be visiting with extraterrestrials. Yet they entered this world prematurely and for selfish reasons; thereby causing great problems for us on Earth.] 19:1...the angels who cohabited with women, appointed their leaders. And...made men profane and caused them to err, so that they sacrificed to devils as to gods [the beginning of paganism and human sacrifices to the gods]. For in the great day there shall be a judgment with which they shall be judged until they are consumed; and their wives [Witches] also shall be judged who led astray the angels of heaven that they might salute them. [See 2Peter 2:4-5 for a similar account] The spirits of these [half human] giants [after they died became] like clouds [or ghosts], which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise upon earth. [They are brought into human affairs through mental practices such as Witchcraft, Shamanism, Voodoo, Yoga, Zen, meditation and ect.] 10. They shall cause lamentation. No food shall they eat [no longer having physical bodies, yet] ...they shall be thirsty [once having a physical body from their human side.] they shall be concealed [from our knowledge and view], and those spirits shall rise up [out of their subterranean graves] against the sons of men, and against women; for they come forth during the days of slaughter and destruction. [After the days when these practices are high, a great slaughter of many people follows.] HOPE FOR A BETTER FUTURE Sinners shall disappear and perish from the face of the earth, while those who seduced them [the Extraterrestrials] shall be bound with chains...(see 2 Pet. 2:4 for a similar account). According to their ranks of corruption shall they be imprisoned, and all their works shall disappear from the face of the earth; nor thenceforward shall there be any to corrupt... Everything wicked shall disappear, and depart from before his face, and the word of the son of man [a descendent of Adam] shall become powerful in the presence of [God] (see Isaiah. 33:24). Chapter 80: 6. At that time I said: Blessed is the man, who shall die righteous and good, against whom no catalog of crime has been written, and with whom iniquity is not found. 9. for the elect shall point out righteousness to the elect: the righteous with the righteous shall rejoice. congratulating each other, but sinners with sinners shall die. And the perverted with the perverted... 11. Those likewise who act righteously shall die on account of the works of [the wicked] man, and shall be gathered together on account of the works of the wicked. [While being attacked we also gathered into nations. Fear the immoral lifestyles.] Copy and Pass Around

I contacted Mr. Moss, and posed a question "I just wanted to know; where did you derive your research? I was just wondering about the source/validity of the Enoch documents, as it is considered apocryphyl to some folkk. How reliable are those documents? Also...was this first hand... second hand... third hand information? I am searching just like most people. I wanted to post your information on our web site, with some personalized information from y'all." His reply was as follows:
"Thanks for reading my letter of deep concern. The Book of Enoch is believed to have four different authors depending upon the part of the book. There no doubt have been many errors that crept into the book but the basic teachings of Enoch are still true today. For more info do a web search on Enoch and you will probibly find the complete book. Enoch has a Library of Congress catalog number 80-65736"

SEE ALSO: UFOs and Religion; including Biblical research on "THE SONS OF GOD, by Christopher Montgomery

Subject: Ancient Knowledge Discovered in Ethiopia....
From: Richard Moss (
Date: Mon, Aug 28 2000 9:56:58 AM -0400


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