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From UFORCE International, (UK)



"A story has emerged from Nicauragua about a Chupacabra being shot and photographed by a local farmer. -Dave Casnette UFORCE International Director, (UK)



Specialists described the animal as an uncommon species after a careful examination of its skeleton. It presents yellow hair on its short tail, large eye-sockets, soft skin like that of a bat, large claws and fangs, and a crest on its main vertebrae. Could this be the Chupacabras? A team of biologists and veterinarians from Leon must now answer the question.

LEON.- the skeleton of the animal that slaked its thirst with the blood of sheep on the San Lorenzo farm, owned by Jorge Luis Talavera and located at Km. 154 of Malpaisillo, was found in the early morning hours of monday some 80 meters away from the paddock where it procured its victims.

"The creature could be a hybrid of several species, created in a laboratory by means of genetic engineering," noted Giocconda Chevez, Malpaisillo's veterinarian.

Jorge Talavera explained that three days ago he opened fire against the alleged Chupacabras using a shotgun, causing its death and resuting in its flesh being devoured by vultures. The creature was in an advancedstate of decomposition by the time it was discovered. "We had to kill it. In 15 days it sucked 25 sheep, and my neighbor lost 35 sheep in 10 days. It was an average of 5 sheep and goats a night," he explained.

Captain Leonardo Carmona, head of the Malpaisillo Crime Lab, indicated that the animal's remains are to be studied at the Hospital Escuela de Leon (Leon Teaching Hospital), where veterinarians and biologists shall be on hand to examine it, according to a report by Edgard Orozco, who is in charge of the Department of Forensic Medicine. (Reference #1)


The body of a dead animal thought to be that of a Chupacabras has been found and filmed in Nicaragua

Specialists described the animal as an uncommon species after a careful examination of its skeleton. It presents yellow hair on its short tail, large eye-sockets, soft skin like that of a bat, large claws and fangs, and a crest on its main vertebrae.

Could this be the Chupacabras? A team of biologists and veterinarians from Leon must now answer the question.The skeleton of the animal that quenched its thirst with the blood of sheep on the San Lorenzo farm, owned by Jorge Luis Talavera and located at Km. 154 of Malpaisillo,Nicaragua, was found in the early morning hours of Monday (28/8/2000) some 80 meters away from the paddock where it procured its victims. "The creature could be a hybrid of several species, created in a laboratory by means of genetic engineering," noted Giocconda Chevez, Malpaisillo's veterinarian. Jorge Talavera explained that three days ago he opened fire against the alleged Chupacabras using a shotgun, causing its death and resulting in its flesh being devoured by vultures. The creature was in an advanced state of decomposition by the time it was discovered.

"We had to kill it. In 15 days it sucked 25 sheep, and my neighbor lost 35 sheep in 10 days. It was an average of 5 sheep and goats a night," he explained. Captain Leonardo Carmona, head of the Malpaisillo Crime Lab, indicated that the animal's remains are to be studied at the Hospital Escuela de Leon (Leon Teaching Hospital), where veterinarians and biologists shall be on hand to examine it, according to a report by Edgard Orozco, who is in charge of the Department of Forensic Medicine.

The skeleton of the suspected Chupacabras was taken to the Medical Campus of UNAN-Leon yesterday, to determine the species to that it belongs, affirmed the biologist Pedrarias Dávila. We recorded the characteristics of the skeletal system, number of vertebrae and ribs, nails, decomposition state, among others, to place it in a data base, he explained. He added that the second stage (of the analysis) includes/understands the preservation of the rest so that the state of decomposition does not advance; and third, a team of specialists will establish to what species the animal belongs. Dávila showed that they do not relate it to any well-known animal because they could hurry.

What is assured is that the remains belonged to 'heterodonto,' that is to say a mammal. "We can not say when there will be results because we lack some pieces (of the animal), that is the reason why we must take time; for example, if we must send samples of DNA to the outside for analysis," said Dávila. Jorge Luis Talavera, owner of the property San Lorenzo, where the supposed Chupacabras shot and killed, said, "There were three targets...and one was black. The one that died was yellow. "In previous weeks, I wounded one, but I did not manage to kill it," he concluded. -- LEON- The animal's skeleton that sucked the blood of the sheep at the farm "San Lorenzo", property of Jorge Luis Talavera, 154 kilometers of Malpasillo, was found in the early Monday morning hours 80 meters from the victim's corral. "It could be a hybrid animal made up of several species, created in a laboratory by genetic engineering", said Gioconda Chévez, veterinarian of Malpaisillo. The Specialist described the animal like a very uncommon specie, after observing the skeleton with yellow hair on its short tail, having great eye cavities, smooth bat skin like, big claws, jaw shows big teeth and a outstanding crest sticking out from the main vertebra.

Jorge Talavera explained that three days ago, He shot with his rifle a supposed "chupacabras" Killing it, but the " zopilotes" (vultures) had eaten the animal flesh and it was in a state of decomposition. In 15 days sucked the blood of 25 sheep and his neighbor lost 35 others. An average of 5 sheep per night." In the meantime Captain Leonardo Carmona, Laboratory Criminalist Chief of Malpaisillo, said that the remain of the animal will be studied in the Hospital School of León, where veterinarians and biologists will assist in the examination of the remains, according with the information provided by Edgard Orozco, responsible for the Department of Pathology. (Reference #2)


Strange Entity Causes Astonishment * Chupacabras Killed in Tolapa * Farmers and Zootechnician at a loss to find a suitable classification * It was wounded and its corpse appeared several days later as a bare skeleton * Fangs, lobes and maw are source of confusion and fear. by Marianela Flores Vergara (Malpaisillo)

"Chupacabras" killed in Nicaragua?

Intense persecution of a strange entity engaged in the systematic extermination of sheep in the town of Tolapa appears to have come to a close after one of the residents managed to inflict a fatal wound on the animal commonly known as "Chupacabras." A month and a half ago, the community embarked upon an odyssey involving massive sheep deaths resulting from the apparent extraction of blood by an unknown predator endowed with sizeable fangs capable of drilling into its victim's necks. The presence of this being,characterized as being bold, dog-like and capable of making rapid movements, conducted its final attacks on the San Lorenzo farm, forcing the estate's owner, Jorge Luis Talavera, to initiate a hunt that would terminate the "Chupacabras" existence. "It came in search of another sheep on Friday and I became aware of its presence in the paddocks. [I fired] several shots with my shotgun until [the creature] lost itself in the darkness," explained Jorge Luis, who claimed having injured the creature a week ago, judging by the blood trail found on his farm. He was unable to locate the body.

On Monday morning, the presence of circling vultures heralded the existence of a dead animal in the farm's vicinity, which roused the curiosity of watchman Jairo Garcia. Garcia headed toward where the carrion birds circled and managed to reach a cave-like structure located a hundred meters from the house: there he found the animal his employer had shot at two nights earlier and which was probably responsible for the deaths of so many sheep.

A Rare Species

Speculation regarding the sheep mutilator's appearance has been rife, with most locals agreeing that it is a strange kind of dog which feeds on blood. After having found the alleged "Chupacabras", some locals, like Mr. Milan Rojas, claim that it is neither a dog nor a wolf, but rather the strange product of a combination of various dog types. "I am familiar with all types of wild animal and this one seems strange to me, given its bare, long and thin tail, which differs greatly from that of a wolf, which is quite hairy," he explained. Zootechnician Giocconda Chevez, who reached the site to learn more about the discovery, noted that the animal had extremely high nails located above its claws which possibly aided it in attacking its victims, along with the oversized set of fangs. She further notes that its eye-sockets are somewhat large in comparison with its head, making note--as did other visitors to the site--of several protuberances in the upper vertebrae "shaped like a crocodile's crest". What Don Jairo found most startling was the lack of bodily hair and very small ears. Although the animal has been reduced to a skeleton after the vultures feasted upon it, it is shaped like a long, yellow-colored dog, given the pigmentation which can still be seen on part of its tail.

Nonetheless, curiosity-seekers have indicated that it resembles no known specimen. Jorge Luis Talavera, owner of the San Lorenzo farm, was responsible for bringing the Chupacabras's killing spree to an end. The carcass of this strange entity had to be removed from a cave in order that this newspaper's readers would be able to see it

People arrived by the dozens to learn more about the source of the area's panic, but as Giocconda Chevez noted, most people are interested in making sure that the so-called "Chupacabras" is dead. Among the visitors to the San Lorenzo farm were the social workers of the Xochith Acatl Women's Center, an NGO which promotes sheep farming among women farmers, who were also affected by the Chupacabras's exploits. In the community of San Claudio, located some 25 kilometers from Malpaisllo, the animal in question made free with two of the four sheep belonging to Mrs. Ludia Carrera, one of the parties of "Xochith Acatl".

However, according to the social workers' own accounts, after learning that the alleged sheep slayer is finally dead, the population feels more at ease. "I was concerned, because I own goats and cows and at any given moment, [the creature] could turn up and kill my little animals. I hope it is the last and only one of its kind prowling this area, " stated Maria Isabel Lopez, of the town of Las Lomas. The police and the municipal supervisor also visited the farm to verify the discovery.

Studies To Determine Species Will Be Performed

The skeleton and part of the animal's remains, according to Jorge Luis, shall be delivered to the Department of Biology of the UNAN (National University of Nicaragua) at Leon to undergo the corresponding specialized studies. Biologist Pedrarias Davila indicated his willingness to carry out the corresponding analysis of the bone structure, since it is one of the most important parts employed in determining the type of species in question, along with its dentition, its skull and the shape of its claws. "Within a week we shall be able to determine if it is a domestic species or a new species not native to the country," claimed the expert. Although there is still no scientific proof regarding the existence of an abnormal entity in the lands surrounding Malpaisillo, the public has combined myth and reality to explain the deaths of over 100 sheep through strange perforations on their necks as attributable to the Chupacabras whose life of crime apparently came to an end with six bullets encrusted in its strange body.

It Isn't a Chupacabras, just a "Firulais"

Local residents insist that it was a strange creature that fed on the blood of their sheep. Several inhabitants of Malpaisillo and the rancher who shot the animal insist that "The animal found in that rural area is different from a common hound, since its teeth were pink in color, it stood differently and it drained the blood of at least 120 sheep." "The Chupacabras of Malpaisillo" (Leon) which has caused such interest at the local and international level after having been shot to death by a rancher, has vanished following the disclosures made by scientists of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua-Leon (UNAN), who opined that the animal discovered was the skeleton of a dog. "This is our initial impression, that it isn't an unknown animal but merely a dog. Further analysis is still required to reach a final conclusion," said Edmundo Torres, the vicechancellor for research at UNAN-Leon.The international media--programs such as "Ocurrio Asi" and "Primer Impacto", flooded the country to confirm the find. Reference #3

A Source of Controversy and Pilgrimage

The alleged arrival of the Chupacabras to the lands of Malpaisillo and the population's belief that it is a divine message to mankind has been the source of varying opinions among members of religious groups. Meanwhile, Francisco Ortiz, in charge of the pentecostal assembly in Leon -- CEPAD -- believes that we should not isolate incidents like the case involving the sheep slayer from Biblical prophecy, while the Bishop of the Leon Diocese, Msr. Bosco Maria Vivas Robelo, believes that the relationship to any demonic entity or the end of the world should be dismissed. "Its a warning sign, [much like] a traffic light that's on yellow but could turn red--a sign for men and women to return to God because we've forgotten about him," stated Rev. Ortiz, quoting the scriptural passage from the book of Daniel which states that in the last days there will be phenomena that will cause astonishment among men.

The pentecostal leader stated that scientific progress has brought mankind tremendous benefits, but it is also capable of causing great harm, such as in the case of cloning, which "contradicts God's mandate." "Knowledge shall increase greatly, and men shall run to and fro, but not even in the stars will they be saved, state the Scriptures, and this is precisely what we're witnessing right now." In the meantime, Msr. Bosco Maria Vivas does not believe that [the creature] is the product of genetic engineering, admitting his scant knowledge on the subject of the alleged Chupacabras. "I haven't studied the matter in depth since I haven't given it much credibility, but if it indeed is a strange creature, as they say, the Church may be prompted to take action...but not just yet."

The Preliminary Report

Two days of studying the famous specimen have elapsed in the Department of Morphology at UNAN-Leon since [the creature's] discovery in Tolapa. According to a preliminary report, no characteristic that discloses any type of extraordinary trait has been found. "The anatomic detail sheds no anomalous information. We see a complete bone structure, a well-formed spinal column resembling that of a canine, and from what we have ascertained, it isn't a hematophagous or blood sucking animal, " reported Dr. Pedrarias Davila, a biologist and member of the forensic team. The commission will wait until later today to hold a press conference with the final report on their findings. The question that arises among members of the public is whether it can be definitively proven that the remains are not those of the culprit in deaths of over a hundred sheep, then...where is the predator who deprived a number of families in Tolapa of their livelihood?

Three Species Capable of Sucking Blood

Biologist Davila explained that Nicaragua's wildlife features three hematophagous bat species which can draw blood from cattle, horses and even humans. However, he noted that none of them kill their victim, but rather try to keep it alive through the injection of an anticoagulant agent. As a result of the controversial manifestation of the Chupacabras, he has been in contact with colleagues from various Central American and South American countries, who agree that the Mesoamerican fauna does not feature a species similar to the one described by witnesses, and with the ability to kill so many sheep, although the specialist refrained from venturing any opinions on the possibility of genetic experiments taking place within the country or arriving from other countries. One veterinarian disclosed that in order to cause the death of a sheep, the assailant would have to suck at least a liter and a half of blood, whereas vampire bats can barely extract a quarter of a liter. This leads him to dismiss the possibility that these flying mammals are responsible.

The Public Speaks Out on the Tolapa Animal Slayings

According to Modesta Sanchez Lopez, there is widespread concern among the public that the creature which exsanguinated the Malpasillo sheep may have escaped during some type of experiment. "We don't know if its a mixture of several different types of sperm which led to the creation of a strange animal," she observed. On the other hand, Marcos Antonio Martinez, a young college student, admitted to having knowledge about the strange entity in other countries by means of the international news, but never imagined that it would appear in Nicaragua to affect the poorest families. He rejected the notion that it could be an evil creature linked to satanic activity, as has been speculated. The stir caused by the alleged "chupacabras" is to frighten the public in regard to the upcoming elections, distracting them with other subjects, believes Maria Jose Rojas, who refused to specify the political party in question, but she urged people to remain serious and level-headed, since the creature in question only exists in other countries. Even senior citizens are startled by news of the sheep slayer. Jose Benito Roque, a lottery ticket vendor, claimed to have visited parts of Nicaragua without having ever heard anything about a creature with the characteristics being described.

Specialists at the UNAN-Leon are studying the alleged Chupacabras' remains. It will not be until tomorrow, after a long wait, that the final report will be provided. Regarding its origin, it has been said that it could have come from Africa or may have escaped from another country's circus. The latent truth in Tolapa and its environs is that one hundred victims died without any explanation, and even thought the specialists' report discloses that the alleged Chupacabras is fake, the sheep killings shall remain an open question, allowing for the possibility of its return to Tolapa or any other part of the country.

Lack of Respect Toward the Hospital

The arrival of the Chupacabras to the hospital's morgue, according to forensic specialist Paulino Medina, constitutes a lack of respect toward the hospital's patients. The building turned into a circus due to the hordes of people who arrived to see the remains. "It was a mistake to bring it here. It would have been better to take it to the School of Veterinary Medicine or Biology," he stated. Even yesterday, large groups of people--students and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods--eluded the hospital's security detail for a glimpse of the bones in the morgue. Even wheelchair-bound patients and those wearing casts came down by elevator to state their curiosity. Defending the presence of the creature's remains at the morgue, the hospital's director, Dr. Manfredo Pentzke Torres, declared that it was the only place in all of Leon where an animal of scientifc interest can be preserved, since aside from being isolated from the hospital [the facility] meets all the requirements. The species was treated with formaldehyde to avoid further decomposition of its tissues, and it was transferred to the department of Morphology to undergo further tests.

'This Isn't My Goatsucker!' Farmer Says Skeletons Were Switched

Owner alleges skeleton was swapped for that of a dog. "That animal was switched around at the university," claimed Jorge Luis Talavera, who a week ago opened fire against the alleged Chupacabas on his property, San Lorenzo, in the jurisdiction of Malpaisillo. Jorge Luis Talavera's reaction followed disclosures by UNAN specialists that the skeleton allegedly belonging to the mythic Chupacabras was that of a domestic dog. Talavera claims that there are several pieces of evidence [to prove] that the skeleton was indeed changed at the UNAN-Leon's laboratory. The first of these is that "the skeleton is complete, although I kept a piece of its front leg". He also claims that the bones turned from a dark color to a lighter one, the teeth turned from pink to white, and from 22 teeth that he counted there are now 40 as well as "more skin on the legs".

On Monday, Talavera will report to the university's Medical Campus to claim the skeleton and return it to Malpaisillo. "They offered to return it even aftery saying that they would not, that they were going to keep it in the municipality because even thought it may have been a dog, it was an uncommon one, given that it fed on blood," he fumed. He added that he is willing to turn it over to international researchers for a better analysis of the animal's remains, given the fact that local residents are dissatisfied with the UNAN results. (Reference#5)

Chupacabra Study Leaves Questions Unanswered

* Dissatisfaction in Malpasillo with University Conclusions * Jorge Luis Talavera, the beast's slayer, claims "researchers left many questions unanswered, such as the cause of death and why it fed on blood" * For Sor Hidalgo, the experts' testimony left serious gaps, such as the question of why an ordinary dog engaged in a random act [of violence] such as draining the blood of 12 sheep in a single night and leaving them uneated, unlike any other wild animal *

LEON.- Leonel Navarro, mayor of Malpasillo, and Sister Paula Hidalgo were not satisfied by the scientific results of the UNAN research laboratory, which established that the alleged Chupacabras skeleton was indeed that of a dog. Such a conclusion was reached after having perfomed an anatomic and morphological appraisal and comparison of the specimen's bone structure, said university authorities. However, for Sol Hidalgo, the experts' statement leaves several gaps, such as [the unanswered question] of why a common dog engaged in random acts of violence such as draining the blood of 12 sheep in a single night and leaving them uneaten, unlike any other wild animal.

Furthermore, Jorge Luis Talavera, who shot the beast, claims that "the researchers left many questions unanswered, such as the cause of death and why it fed on blood." Talavera says that from the day that the skeleton was found, there were no renewed sheep attacks in the area, in spite of the fact that the remaining three animals have prowled the region. Vice chancellor and research coordinator Dr. Edmundo Torres explained that the study conducted was purely scientific and proper of a serious university and scientific institution, and that they have no interest in concealing the truth. He added that the canids (zoological branch which includes dogs) are solitary hunters who catch their prey thanks to their speed and on certain occasions to their endurance. Experience and learning are also very important. Canids are highly adaptable and spread over 12 branches and 34 species which included coyotes, dogs, foxes, etc. and can reach speeds of up to 75 km/hour., he explained. (Reference#6)



Jose Luis Talavera says he is expecting it to attack sheep, and its ready to hunt it. "We stay awake all night when the Chupacabras is on the prowl. We take shifts so we won't be so tired, but it's becoming unbearable," states Talavera. "Its a fact that I'm not going to withdraw [the creature from the lab], after they swapped the skeleton, what they're planning to do remains to be seen. Why should I bother? Let them discard it. " he added.

LEON.- The new specimen prowling Jorge Luis Talavera's sheep pen, located at Km. 154 of Malpaisillo at the San Lorenzo Ranch in the village of El Barrio, is slightly larger than a Pekinese dog. This is the same location where the skeleton of the alleged "chupacabras" turned up. Talavera told LA PRENSA that the animal comes up to the pen, which is adjacent to the living area, and will be allowed to attack a number of sheep to as bait. [Talavera] will then fire his shotgun at it, as he did 15 days ago with the first animal.

A White Chupacabras

"We'll let it taste blood once more, since that's the way the seem to develop the taste for sucking sheep. Once it's shyness has been overcome, I'll hunt it down," stated Talavera, adding that the new animal prowling around the property is white in color. The rancher indicated that the family is tired of keeping watch for over a month, when the exsanguination of the area's sheep began. Concerning recovery of the alleged Chupacabras skeleton he was scheduled to make this week at the UNAN-Leon's laboratory, he stated that he would no longer do so, since there was little sense in spending money on transportation from Malpaisillo to Leon to collect the bones of a "dog". Edmundo Torres, vicechancellor for research at UNAN-Leon, denied Talavera's statement that the university was planning to keep the remains of the specimen discovered. "This is absolutely untrue. We have never had any direct communication with Talavera--only with the mayor of Malpaisillo. We have no interest in keeping its remains," Torres explained. He further added that they hope Jorge Luis Talavera will present himself in order to formally turn the skeleton over to him, since it does not belong to the institution. "If he no longer wishes to remove it, we will confirm this to make decisions until they authorize it, and avoid any misunderstandings about the canine." noted the Vicechancellor.

By Maricely Linarte (Reference#7)



REFERENCE #1: La Prensa de Nicaragua, 30 August 2000 Translation (c) 2000. Institute of Hispanic Ufology."Chupacabra Remains Found" Source- La Prensa de Nicaragua Date: August 30, 2000 By Maricely Linares and Clarissa Altamirano, Special Correspondents. LEON.

REFERENCE #2: "The body of a dead animal thought to be that of a Chupacabras has been found and filmed in Nicaragua" Source-This article courtesy of La Prensa de Nicaragua, 30 August 2000

REFERENCE #3: "It Isn't a Chupacabras, just a 'Firulais'" Source- La Prensa de Nicaragua Date: September 1, 2000 by Juan Rodriguez and Clarissa Altamirano.

REFERENCE #4: "A Source of Controversy and Pilgrimage" Source- El Nuevo Diario (Nicaragua) Date: September 1, 2000. by Marianela Flores Vergara *

REFERENCE #5: "'This Isn't My Goatsucker!' Farmer Says Skeletons Were Switched;" Source- From Diario La Prensa de Nicaragua (9-5-00) REFERENCE #6: "Chupacabra Study Leaves Questions Unanswered Source-By Clarisa Altamirano and Maricely Linarte Correspondents Diario La Prensa de Nicaragua (Nicaragua) 9-3-00

Reference#7: "Another Chupacabra Prowls Malpaisillo" By Maricely Linarte; SOURCE- DIario La Prensa de Nicaragua DATE: September 6, 2000

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