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UFO ARCHIVES: Kuwait 1979

From UFORCE International, (UK)

Subj:	 Fwd: IUFO: Kuwait UFOs - 1978
Date:	9/8/00 12:50:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Cosmic Conspiracies)


Kuwait UFOs - 1978

>In an unrelated incident also in the Middle East, the following document >is Message 290606Z, Jan. 1979, from the American embassy in Kuwait City >to the State Department: > >SUBJECT: UFO SIGHTINGS CAUSE SECURITY CONCERN IN KUWAIT > >1. A series of UFO sightings on November 9 caused the GOK to appoint an >investigatory committee of experts from the Kuwait Institute for >Scientific Research (KISR). The committee's report which was released >January 20 described eight sightings from November to December 14. A >number of the early sightings took place near a Kuwait oil company >gathering center north of Kuwait City. Release of the committee's report >was something of a media event as it coincided with Jan. 21 front page >stories of yet another UFO sighting over Kuwait City, which included >photographs in local newspapers. > >2. The KISR committee rejected the notion that the UFOs were espionage >devices but remained equivocal about whether they were of >extraterrestrial origin. The KISR committee representative, Ratib Abu >Id, told Emboff that the scientists did not know enough about the >phenomena to say with certainty that they weren't spaceships. The report >went on to recommend that the government take all possible measures to >protect Kuwait's airspace and territory as well as the country's oil >resources. > >3. Some local wags have made light of the first UFO sightings which came >near the end of the long and traditionally exuberant holiday celebrations >of Id Al Adha. However, we have learned recently of an event coincident >with one of the UFO sightings which has confounded some of our most >level-headed Kuwaiti friends and may have been what persuaded the GOK to >make a serious investigation of the matter. A senior Kuwait Oil Company >(KOC) official told us the UFO which first appeared over the northern oil >fields seemingly did strange things to KOC's automatic pumping equipment. > This equipment is designed to shut itself down when there is some >failure which may seriously damage the petroleum gathering and >transmission system, and it can only be restarted manually. At the time >of the UFO's appearance, the pumping system automatically shut itself >down and when the UFO vanished, the system started itself up again. This >event was not addressed by the KISR committee report. > >Even those who are not inclined to believe in visitors from outer space >do tend to think something strange has been going on in Kuwaiti airspace. >There has been speculation, for example, about helicopters or hovercraft >bringing refugees or money out of beleagured Iran. At the least, the >phenomena have stimulated a new degree of interest among top Kuwaiti >officials in the country's air defense system which did not react in any >way to the 'events' in the KOC north field because it was closed down. > >Maestrone. > >Requests to KISR for the committee's report were denied on grounds that >it was "confidential". It seems as though this case has remained >unsolved as well, while once again strange physical effects are noted >during the UFO incident. The Tehran case is by far one of the most >compelling in the history of UFO incidents with government involvement. > >-- >Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < > > Alternate: < >

UFORCE thanks our UFORCE Internationlal (UK) affiliate Cosmic Conspiracies for sending this report.

Sent to us from UK correspondent Dave at Cosmic Conspiracies International Director(UK) for UFORCE

SOURCE: Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) ( Alternate: (>From: "Terry W. Colvin" ( Reply-To: To: "" (, UASR (, "" Subject: IUFO: Kuwait UFOs - 1978 Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 12:13:42 -0700

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