BACKGROUND: My name is Steve Moreno. I've been involved in UFO research and investigations for well over 20 years.
The following report is of an encounter I had last Sunday evening, 9/17, 8:30 PM., at my home location in Fairfield, California, 2 miles W of Travis AFB. A relevant point necessary to mention here is I felt a little down at the time, over exhausting efforts I have expended for our non-profit foundation, in an ongoing related investigation. Honestly put, it simply gets like that from time to time, as some of this stuff is as elusive as a firefly in the night. (-: RELEVANT REFERENCED INVESTIGATION: The James Gilliland/Mt.Adams Investigation involves research and documentation of a historic and ongoing benevolent type UFO/ETI phenomenon. Correlations and circumstances inspired us to create the first video of a series on this case, which unveils the inside story on the central individual/contactee, James Gilliland. It is available on our site to be purchased on line. The second video will lay out the evidence and documentation related to the most predominant contact events of the last year or so. UFO's reported over time in the Mt. Adams region, and recently at James Gilliland's ranch, are what I would refer to as 'star-type'. The following are generalized characteristics demonstrated by these "light anomalies", which give them their definitive status as a UFO: 1) a white point of light, starting out sometimes the size of a star, then growing larger by 2-4 times, sometimes moon-sized 2) most times maintaining what appears to be a self-generated white light source, which sometimes seems to have irregular pulsations, and flashes sometimes responding to thoughts, verbal, and light communication attempts. 3) most times will start approximately 1000' - 2000' high traveling slowly in a back and forth arching/drifting pattern, to a location where communication attempts may be occurring, stopping for a moment as if observing, then slowly moving off in an irregular pattern to eventually just disappear out of sight. Many of these events are easily caught on video, or by camera, and historic analysis of the geographic area will reveal that this exact type of phenomenon is nothing new, and in fact has a history going back to the very beginning of 'modern UFOlogy'. (-: Interesting to note most of these historically related events occurred on the west side of Mt. Adams, around and in the Yakima Indian Reservation. In fact it was directly by here that Kenneth Arnold landed and began our modern era of the 'flying saucer'. Some of the present theories put forth by researchers relate to 'Earth Lights', which in short are anomalous light patterns and effects created by piezoelectric energy sources associated within the Earth, and normally manifested around large volcanic type mountain areas such as Mt. Adams, Mt. Hood, etc, and areas of seismic activity. This is so gracefully discounted by Greg Long in his book "Examining The Earthlight Theory: The Yakima UFO Microcosm", which if anyone knows where I might obtain a copy, I am in dire need of one. EVENT ACCOUNT: I was sitting outside at the patio table, working on my bike light, getting ready to take a long ride and blow off steam from the mood that had come upon me. The mood basically centered around frustration over working so hard to document plausible realities related to a benevolent intelligence behind the UFO lights of this investigation. Basically I had desired there to be something more definitive which would show such an intelligence might be present, and as well lay any 'Earth Lights' theory to rest. As I was working on this light at the table my attention was 'prompted' up to the sky, and to my amazement there was a star type UFO, aprox. 1000' in the sky moving slowly, coming directly over my location. I stood up, immediately registering and understanding its presence, as it related directly to my mood at the time. I recognized it as an identical type UFO light, to those which have been fully documented in the Gilliland / Mt. Adams Investigation. The light stopped in its path directly over my location. With reservation I relate the following for research purposes. (I FELT) that I 'telepathically' communicated how I was awed by its presence and timing, signifying an acknowledgement to what was going through my thoughts at the time. The light seemed to pulsate back in response. This light was totally silent in its movement and behavior and was 2--3 times larger then a star, observed within 1000' in the sky. It moved in an arching, drifting, type pattern, and seemed to generate its own white pulsing light. The pulsations seemed in timing and response to my thoughts. Within this seemingly telepathic communication I sent the thought for it to show more, and to not leave. (I FELT) a reply was relayed this was not the time, and its presence was simply to acknowledge, encourage my work, and address the issues of concern. It then began to slowly move away in a controlled drifting pattern and sent one final pulse of light, and then simply disappeared. In my estimation it traveled less then 1/4 of a mile away before disappearing. ANALYSIS In my post analysis of this event it became obvious to me there were significant points worth considering on the following factors: 1) it was the exact same type of UFO light phenomenon documented in the Gilliland Case I am actively engaged in. I would estimate the MCE (Mean Chance Expectation) to be very low for this to occur without a relationship. 2) the MCE was practically zero of this occurring, in such a synchronicity, as to address my thoughts and issues with the case at that time. 3) I was not out with the intent or purpose of looking for such an event or phenomenon, and yet indeed it had come upon me at a time while I was actually engaged in an unrelated activity, and somehow directed, or prompted, my attention in what seemed to be the start of a 2 way telepathic communication. (Eliminating possible projection) 4) while this passed the tests of a UFO, my interaction and observation overall from this type of phenomenon, leads me to believe they are not physical objects per se, but more perhaps a monitor or probe type light, maintaining remote observation, for a more senior physical, or non-physical intelligent source. This would easily explain the same 'type' occurring in many circumstances related to this case, and the same repeated behavior of 'drifting', sometimes pausing, total silence - with an obvious intent toward a specific location or subject, while then moving away to simply disappear. 5) most significant in my opinion would be how this might greatly diminish any Earth Lights consideration since this occurred totally remote and apart from Mt. Adams, and in my location there are no major mountains, volcanic areas, or faults close enough to warrant such a consideration. This type of activity has not been observed here before. 6)Travis AFB and a small adjacent private airport exists within 2 miles of my location, and this UFO activity occurred in between the flight paths of incoming and outgoing aircraft. If this occurred out of chance, or by calculated timing, is a matter of speculation, however it is clear that such aircraft activity was not a hindrance to its occurrence. It is also clear this encounter offered respite to my temporary stress over elements surrounding this investigation, and furthered my commitment to pursue this most fascinating case into the future. The only witness to this was myself. This factor along with the ethereal subjective elements of this event gave rise to reservations over its reporting, however it is done so in the interest of expanded research, so that any similar experiences might also be reported to us. Please forward to other related news groups & lists.
To Truth & Advancement
Steve Moreno Founder & Managing Director
Psi APPLICATIONS Humanity's Right To Know !! (references)
From: "Steve Moreno" (
Date: Thu, Sep 21 2000 12:51:29 AM -0700
_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________