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The word "annunciation" means to announce. When it is used in reference to a saint or a man of God, annunciation means that this special person has been announced by God to be the embodiement of a spirit or devine being in human form; in the case of This painting entitled THE ANNUNCIATION OF ST. EMIDIUS, I believe that Crivelli is making a historical statement that St. Emidius is the embodiement of the Holy Spirit, as represented by both the beam of light from the UFO which passes through the dove, the Holy Scripture's symbol of the Holy Spirit, third person in the HOLY TRINITY. (Reference #1)

The annunciation of Jesus Christ is documented in THE HOLY BIBLE. In The Epistle of Apostle St. John, chapter 1; the apostle describes the annunciation of Jesus Christ in the presence of St. John (the Baptist). John the Baptist states (continued below)



Annunciation with St. Emidius

And I have seen, and have borne witness that this is the Son of God. ~ John The Baptist, THE HOLY BIBLE

According to popular theology, God the Father has made the annunciation that Jesus Christ was His Son. "And John bore witness saying, 'I have beheld the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven, and He remained upon Him.'" (John 1:32)

In THE BIBLE AND FLYING SAUCERS, Rev. Barry Downing states that: "When Jesus was baptized, he saw the 'Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him.' (Matt 3:16)" As you can see by the painting above, all of those elements have been incorporated into this work by Crivelli.

Regarding the annunciation of Jesus Christ, Downing goes on to ponder the deeper meaning of this particular annunciation of the Son of God;
"Where did this UFO come from, according to the Biblical account? After Jesus was baptized, "the heavens were opened' and the Spirit seems to have descended from this 'opening.' This idea of an 'opening' represents an example of the 'mythological' expression...The 'opening' represents an example of the Bible cosmology...The 'opening' suggests that in our 'three-decker universe' a 'door' leads from our world below to the world above where the angels live in heaven. (Reference #2)

Reference #1: The "Annunciation With St. Emidius" by Carlo Crivelli; SOURCE: "CGFA; A VIRTUAL ART MUSEUM;"; Home Page of CGFA is at this URL= site is hosted by Karsten Thygesen and sponsored in part by Barewalls Prints and Posters on-line. This Site created & maintained by Carol L. Gerten-Jackson (

Reference #2: THE BIBLE AND FLYING SAUCERS; 1978 Barry H. Downing, Avon Books, NY NY.

All Biblical quotes are from Thompson's Chain Reference Bible (NAS).

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