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X-PPAC News and Announcements

X-PPAC: Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee


X-PPAC Update - August 20, 2000 Bay Area UFO Expo - August 26, 27 The founder of X-PPAC, Stephen Bassett, will speak at the Bay Area UFO Expo on August 26 in San Jose. [] This year's event has the potential to be the largest convention of its type ever held in the U.S. (aside from the 1997 UFO Exposition held in Roswell, New Mexico).

The power of questions-

In a receiving line on July 28, MUFON State Section Director Charles A. Huffer asked a question of candidate George W. Bush relating to the UFO question. It took place on camera. Within hours it was tearing through the Internet. There was some confusion, as to be expected. In a note sent to Paradigm Research Group, Charles A. Huffer clarified the encounter excerpted here:
Huffer: Half the public believes that they are real. Would you finally tell us what the hell is going on?
Bush: Sure, I will.
Huffer: (Gesturing toward Cheney) This man knows. He was Secretary of Defense.
Bush: And was a great one.
Later Huffer encountered Bush again in the hall. Bush recognized Huffer and, as recalled approximately by Huffer, unsolicited said:
Bush: It will be the first thing he (pointing to Cheney) will do. He'll get right on it.
Huffer: Will, will you really? Bush: Yes Sir.

One question slipped into a receiving line creates a minor furor. On January 26, X-PPAC kicked off "Campaign 2000 - Get Out the Questions."

Crafted questions to be downloaded an asked at campaign forums of national candidates. Since that time, there have been questions, but more are needed - particularly of the presidential candidates. The experience of Charles Huffer makes it clear just how powerful a question can be. There's a first amendment, they have to campaign, we get to ask them anything we want - what could be simpler. A half dozen more questions asked of Bush and Gore on camera could flip media switches nationwide. There is still time. Questions are also located at other websites, including:
(Citizens Against UFO Secrecy) [ and
(The Enterprise Mission)].*

Media Schedule (Bassett) UFO Magazine: In the upcoming Oct/Nov issue will begin a political column titled "UFOs Over Washington: The Politics of Disclosure." AlienZoo: Weekly column every Wednesday on the "Politics of UFOs" Bay Area UFO Expo: 5 pm PST, Saturday, August 26. Netcast at [] Nightsearch w/ Janet Russell: 10 pm EST, Wednesday, November 8. Broadcast on KRVL, 94.3 FM, Tucson. Netcast at: [] Destination Space: Politics of UFOs Internet chat at 9 pm EST on the first Sunday of the month at [] Larry Bryant MUFON and CAUS member, Larry Bryant, will appear in the Circuit Court of Alexandria at 520 King Street at 10 am or soonest on August 23 in regards to case no: CH000691 filed against Virginia Governor James Gilmore, III on behalf of Larry Bryant, Gretchen Condon and Evelyn Goodwin. The case seeks a writ of mandamus in regards to the abduction issue as it affects citizens of the state of Virginia. Notably, there has been considerable media attention to this recent round of legal actions by Larry. This is of note as Alexandria, VA sits across the Potomac River from the nation's capitol. X-PPAC updates From this point forward X-PPAC Updates will be going out with greater frequency as a number of various initiatives begin to take shape. _______________________________________________
Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
Phone: 301-564-1820
Fax: 301-564-4066 4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, Maryland 20814


Spread the word about X-PPAC & the politics of disclosure. Contribute online at: or mail to: 4938 Hampden Lane,161 Bethesda, MD 20814


"There is almost no limit to what you can accomplish, if you are willing to give away the credit.

*Inserts, mine to clarify the title of those organizations
To: [uforce]
Subject: X-PPAC Update - August 20, 2000
Date: Mon, Aug 21 2000 4:39:25 AM EDT

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