UFOs may start turning up on the evening news and in top newspapers. UFOs are being video taped in space from the Shuttle, from helicopters flying over New York, around the US and in such places as the Australia, Chili, China, the Philippines and the United Kingdom. Eventually the news media is bound to pick up some real news just to help their ratings.
UFORCE International reports, "In what can only be described as a beautifully coordinated effort on the part of international UFO reporting agencies around the world, a UFO that shadowed shuttle mission STS-106 has been verified by several independent verifiable sources! Preliminary reports had indicated that the Space Shuttle Atlantis, which was launched on September 8, 2000, had first spotted, then filmed a UFO. Our web site affiliate Cosmic Conspiracies in the UK has received an audio record of this very same transmission between Shuttle astronauts and mission control. In the first transmission, we hear NASA say "'Atlantis, Houston, you're go for ET photo and plus x', then Atlantis replies 'We got a second!'" In the second audio sequence you hear "'Gus, sounds like your picking up an echo!'" There is some speculation as to what the astronauts were referring to when they had asked NASA if they could film "ET."
UFORCE-UK affiliate Cosmic Conspiracies has made this transmission available to the public, by way of a free download. These tapes consist of (2) audio sound-bytes that are short. When this evidence is combined with other information that we are presently receiving from our World-Wide UFO reporting network, it makes the potential of a NASA cover-up even more likely. The FIRST AUDIO TRANSMISSION: http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/Sts1b.wav - SECOND AUDIO TRANSMISSION: http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/Sts.wav, http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/cosmicsts106.html. Thanks to Dave ______ littlegreys@hotmail.com (Cosmic Conspiracies)
Editor's Note: The photo of a cigar shaped object can be seen on my website thanks to Jeff Chandler. NASA may be talking about photographing External Tanks rather than ET. Jeff writes that, "The STS-106 mission observed several objects flying over the Eastern States just before Sunup. The pattern holds. I noticed early on in this work, that wherever the time is 5:00 AM, give or take an hour, THAT is where we see these things zipping about over the surface of Earth from the Shuttle cameras. That last hour before dawn. So if a person wanted to increase his/her chances of capturing a UFO on video camera, the time to consistently be outside looking is between 4 and 6 AM. I believe from my NASA observations that those who follow this advice, will be successful in the long run."
MIAMI -- Tom reports that on Saturday's NBC Network News there was a segment on the Fighting in Israel that focused on a 17 year old Palestinian boy who was in the wrong place and was killed in the crossfire. NBC Reporters interviewed his parents in their house and showed the boy's bedroom and on the wall was a 18 inch wide by 30 inch high poster with a UFO hovering in plain sight. Across the bottom of the poster in large block letters it said "I WANT TO BELIEVE." You have probably seen one of these posters. The media pointed out the words and said -- See! He even had a poster saying "I Want To Believe" (then their words) --> IN PEACE !!! Totally ignoring the hubcap size UFO! Watch for a repeat of this segment on NBC Network news. It couldn't have been more obvious that they are well trained to avoid the subject of UFOs. Thanks to Tom: AfterMidnight@egroups.com
Editor's Note: The situation in Israel is very disturbing. UFOs have been seen there on a regular basis. There has always been a strong religious tie in to these UFO reports. It seems little will be gained by the fighting. There is possibility of war on two fronts for Israel after more than a week of clashes with the Palestinians and Lebanese Islamist Hezbollah guerrillas who attacked and captured three Israeli soldiers on Lebanon's southern border, capturing three of them.
Oil prices continue to climb as expected despite the release of 30 million gallons of crude oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve by the Clinton Administration. Oil is part of a global market and it appears much of this oil may be diverted to European Markets where oil prices are even higher. The Energy Department admits that only a third of the extra home heating oil refined from government crude reserves may actually reach US customers. Inventories for heating oil in New England are 65 percent below normal and there could easily be a shortage home heating oil in the US. Releasing of the Petroleum Oil Reserves likely helped increase prices because it had a stabilizing effect until released. If Clinton Administration wants to cut prices they must reduce the amount of oil used and increase US production. As the possibility of war becomes more likely in the Middle East it is possible the Arabs may decide to cut shipments to the US. Saudi Arabia and Iraq provide us with large amounts of oil.
NEW YORK CITY -- Several readers have written concerning the Sightings TV show # 4032 that aired on Friday, October 6, 2000. The Scifi.com portion showed an excellent home video of a couple taking a helicopter tour of New York City with an amazing disc shaped UFO in the video in flight. Close up pictures were very good of the UFO and its speed was amazing. Thanks to USDSCUBA
Editor's Note: The video can be seen on www.sightings.com
Michael L. Stovall tells me that, "One observation I have made, as I fly a good deal, is that the UFO's occasionally seem to be more easily seen from the side than from the underside. I have watched them from a side view, then could not see them when I got underneath. They just looked like the sky, clouds or clear. Perhaps a camouflage effect is in place. Ever heard of such from others? Just a note of my experiences.
Editor's Note: ----In a case I investigated with Dr. Don Johnson at McGuire Air Force Base in 1980, a witness called the base and told them they had two disc shaped UFOs over the base. The witness owned an Art Supply Company and drew the UFOs on his window with a grease pencil. He was an excellent witness and I have no doubt that he saw them. The Air Force looked outside and claimed they couldn't see anything. The witness called a neighbor who could also see the UFOs hovering over the base. They then called the state police. Those under the UFOs could not see them. Those off to the side were able to do so. On triangulation of the UFO position from the witnesses it turned out they were hovering over a nuclear weapons storage site.
CHESAPEAKE BAY -- Bill Bean writes, "I went on a Skywatch on October 3, 2000, with some members from my group and we witnessed some incredible activity between 9:15 PM and 10:15 PM from Bowley's Quarters over the Chesapeake Bay. An erratic moving object was traveling east and then circled back twice at about 8,000 feet. The craft had blue flashes coming from it and through a spotting scope and binoculars it looked triangular in shape. No sound could be heard. The UFO moved very erratically and it would stop and start, d zig zag, while it gained and lost altitude. We saw this UFO for about 45 minutes and then it disappeared. We also saw three other craft that accomplished mind boggling in maneuvers. Two UFOs, one approaching from the east and the other from the west appeared to be at the same altitude were heading right for each other at 9:40 PM. They were about to collide when both performed a TWIRLING Maneuver. The one heading east gained in altitude and went out of sight and the one going west went back to a steady course and out of sight. At 10:05 PM, a blue flashing object was approaching from the west and it was moving toward what we thought was a star. The blue strobing craft appeared to run into the star making a bright blue flash upon impact. The star like object started moving like a craft and headed east and the UFO that struck it, became a stationary star like object and hovered there in the same spot as the first. I have seen many strange things, but this is the most incredible sighting that I have ever had. Thank GOD others witnessed this with me. GOD Bless, Bill Thanks to Bill Bean.. bllin@erols.com.
ARAB -- M. J. Ruben writes: "We have received incredible UFO footage at the Alien Abduction Experience and Research web site. Shortly before sunset on Tuesday, September 19, a "star" UFO was spotted in the sky over Arab, Alabama. The "star" UFO remained in its silent, counterclockwise rotation and did not move out of its orbit. Sissy Tripp, area resident, videotaped the UFO in its entirety. As night fell, the "star" UFO dropped below the horizon as a star would due to the rotation of the Earth. Given that the UFO looked like a star from the ground, it is very likely this UFO went undetected by most residents who would have ignored it. Does this "star" UFO represent a bolder, more aggressive strategy by aliens to monitor Earth? Enlarged still frames from the videotape may be seen at the web site for Alien Abduction Experience and Research, http://www.abduct.com/ or at http://www.abduct.com/photos/pn002.htm Thanks to Marilyn Ruben Alien Abduction Experience and Research
GIRARD -- Investigator Kenny Young interviewed Mr. Rodney Happney of Youngstown who reported sighting a UFO in Trumbull County on September 19, 2000. Happney was formerly in the 82nd Airborne Infantry as a paratrooper and is very familiar with many types of aircraft. While driving north on Salt Springs Road between 12:10 and 12:15 PM, Happney caught a glimpse of something in the sky. "I just saw these things from the corner of my eye," he said. The next thing that caught Happney's attention was a crowd of people standing in the parking lot of a Sheetz Convenience store and gas station. "This crowd of 25 people were all standing around looking up and I realized we were looking at the same thing, so I decided to pull in and stop." The objects, which were described as roundish star-like lights, in the daytime sky, seemed 'pretty high' yet below the thin cloud layer. Happney observed a total of six independent objects. Some of the objects would shoot straight up, above the clouds while others would seem to roll around and reflect sunlight. They would perform quick "bee-like" maneuvers and then assume a formation in what appeared from his vantage point to be a "straight line." "Two of these objects from the rear of the straight-line formation would remain stationary while the rest of these things just fell, suddenly," Happney recalled. "They seemed to be flying or buzzing around real high, but there was no sound at all that I could hear."
The objects continued to scatter about before they made a rapid departure to the east. Happney informed that he had never seen anything pull away at the speed these objects traveled. "Nothing could compare to how fast these things were going," he said. Rodney Happney declares that these objects were nothing that could be addressed with a satisfactory explanation, and was absolutely certain they were no type of aircraft or military jets in practice or mock combat. The crowd of spectators were pretty worked up, about the strange goings-on in the sky above them. After the objects departed from sight, Happney reports that a C-5 military plane over flew the area. "No more than 15 or 20-seconds after these things pulled away. After the sighting, Happney was excited about the occurrence called 9-1-1 and eventually got the Youngstown Airport. He was informed that nothing was seen at the time in question. Happney was advised by the tower operator to contact the National UFO Reporting Center and he did/. Thanks to Kenny Young, UFO Research http://home.fuse.net/ufo/
MARSHALL - On September 20, 2000, at 10:57 PM I saw something out of the corner of my eye that at first I thought was a "V" formation of a flock of birds. I cupped my ear to listen, but it made absolutely no sound. It glided smoothly but quickly from the north towards a south-southeasterly direction. It spanned the portion of sky from Hercules to Capricornus (where I lost it behind the trees) in about 5 seconds. It was shaped like a flattened out "V." At arms length it was about 3" across and about 1" long. It's shape was made up of many pinpoints of white lights, not brilliant, about as bright as the average star. It was a perfectly clear night, the moon had not risen yet. I was outside just gazing at how spectacular the Milky Way looked when I saw it. I'm a 37 year old male and own a hardware store. I have a college degree in management and I' am an avid starwatcher with telescope. I do not believe in extraterrestrial life but I am miffed by what I just saw. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC www.ufocenter.com
Jim Hickman writes, "Reference Filer's Files #39, I also saw those Arkansas contrails on September 30, reported last week." I was on Interstate 40 between Memphis and Little Rock when my wife noticed several large white aircraft in the area, they were producing strange white contrails to our southwest, that ended up in a strange pattern almost looking like a tic-tac-toe board in the sky along with several circles. I also wanted to report a sighting my wife and I had the night before at about 8:00 PM. We were attending the Mid-South Fair in Memphis, TN, when my wife looked up and saw an object. She pointed it out to me, I saw a dimly lit object, it appeared to be as large as a commercial aircraft that we had seen in the area earlier, as we were in the flight path of Memphis airport. It didn't display any FAA lighting. I could easily judge it's relative size. This object was displaying only a dim gray colored light and it moved quickly from northeast to the Southwest. It covered the sky from where we first saw it to the horizon in less then 15 seconds. I observed several "normal" aircraft in the area at the time of my sighting, including a police helicopter. Thanks to Jim Hickman.
DICKINSON -- Dave Fugere writes, "We saw this strange craft over our town with three lights, fairly, bright, and if I remember right they were red, blue and green." Slowly more lights went on as it approached us and got up to at least 7 or 8 lights, but the patterns kept changing. I don't know if the lights were positioned in a way that concealed the shape of the craft or if they were separate lights flying together and materializing and disappearing. This was one of the strange things about it because it was right over us and I couldn't make out any frame at all linking the lights together. My daughter had even gotten my binoculars and I still couldn't put a shape together. Thanks to "Dave Fugere"
LINCOLN -- Scott Colborn writes, "Today a middle-aged man reported seeing two bright lights, one behind the first light on September 18, 2000. He was on the front porch at 6:15 AM when objects brighter than stars moved northeast.
KILLDEER LAKE -- A woman came into my store and told me she and a male friend were parked by the lake when they saw a pair of bright lights coming over the trees on September 10, 2000. Both of them noticed that the crickets and bugs went totally silent suddenly and simultaneously. The lights flew toward them 40 feet above the ground just clearing the trees. She felt "they" were interested in the lake because it's drying up. They then realized that she and her friend were parked watching. The "UFO lights" swung towards them and when the "lights" illuminated their vehicle and them inside, she said she and her male friend could feel the "heat" from the beams of light. Then the lights" swung away and turned back towards the trees and were gone from sight. Ever since this UFO sighting last Tuesday night, there has been a "ghost" in her basement. I asked her to tell me about this ghost, and she said that she isn't seeing a clear outline or features, rather that it is more like several balls of light, but she was explicit in using the choice of "ghost" a number of times in our conversation. She said she thought the "ghost" was a male -- that was the impression she had. They were going out to do more hunting. Thanks to: Scott KColborn@inetnebr.com
TUCSON -- In November of 1996, one of my roommates and I experienced an encounter. For a month, I would see these dancing lights just outside. I would be compelled to go or look outside. Also I would feel like I was being watched. I would be watching TV and feel a presence, but when I turned around I didn't see anything. I was scared to go to bed with all the lights out. I went to bed a 3:00 AM and I was very tired. All I remember was just laying my head down. Next thing I was awake wide awake and I couldn't move. The whole room was filled with this whitish-bluish light and I saw this tall hooded figure walk across the window in my room! I couldn't move and I was frightened. Then I got this calm feeling and I guess I went out because I opened my eyes in the morning. I was wondering what happened, and who was in my room. I know without a shadow of doubt there was someone there.
My roommate told me he had something very similar happen to him to that night and he woke frightened and on the floor. T he room was filled with the whitish-bluish light and that a tall hooded figure was hovering above him. He was scared out of his mind and was wondering what the heck is going on. We both know that something definitely happened that night. Since then I haven't had any encounters. I've seen the dancing lights since I was a child but I don't want to encounter what my roommate and I encountered again.
Thanks to Elizabeth Wall
I was watching "Inside the NFL" the other day and as plain as day in the air flying over the Cardinals football stadium in Arizona. There was an object that looked like a transparent blimp but it was moving too fast to be a blimp. I cant believe no one has mentioned this on the news. People at the game surely had to have seen this thing. Anyway I taped it the next time it was on and have the video if you would like to see it. It is very clear footage and is quite fascinating. Thanks to IMJETONE
Editor's Note: Yes I would like to see your video and put it on our web site for others to see. I will be recording next Sunday's Eagle's vs. the Cardinal game as well. The Eagles will win 21 - 17.
RIDGECREST -- Mike Rogalski writes, "I saw something strange enough to cause me to stop my vehicle October 7, 2000, at 9:00 PM and get out to listen for noises of what looked like a very slow moving meteorite." I was not immediately alarmed, because we had just driven past the Ridgecrest Balloon Festival. It turned out to be an airplane with large wingspan, shooting MASSIVE sparkler traces out the wingtips, Roman candles and other displays, while actually doing spirals in the air. This redefines the entire concept of fireworks displays! It will also wreak havoc on UFO reports, because the show is practically a summary of all the kinds of displays we get reports on, except for cigar shaped sightings. This does not appear to be a simple amateur-generated one-time show. I have seen meteorites do practically all of what this show did, minus the Roman candles. In fact, the only telltale giveaway of the origins of these displays are the blinking lights on the craft. It was truly impressive, but thoroughly bogus. Thanks to Mike Rogalski djdrdisco@email.com
BERKELEY - On September 15, 2000, at 8:57 PM while looking from west over the Pacific Ocean just after sunset, an orange light was seen about 5 degrees above the horizon. At first we thought it was a star or planet. It appeared to be pulsating. We got out our telescope. With the telescope, there was a black disc, and this was surrounded by a pulsating orange halo. It slowly moved below the horizon over about five minutes.
((Peter Davenport Note: We spoke briefly with this witness and addressed whether the object might have been an aircraft flying west, reflecting light from the setting sun. The witness reported that they had addressed that possibility, and rejected it. The apparently got a very good look at the object, and found it to be exceptionally strange. Witnesses hold quite responsible jobs. PD)) Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC www.ufocenter.com
LAS PITAS - A team of investigators from the United Nations led by Dr. Jean Chu is investigating businessman's Antonio Israel, video which shows "what he claims was an unidentified flying object (UFO) hovering over his neighborhood in Carmela Homes on September 3, 2000. "Antonio Israel, 37, said that he was able to capture on video 'small balls of light dancing frenetically in the evening sky.'" "Israel said the 40-minute footage showed 'at least three and up to 17 balls of light bouncing in the clear night sky' and the 'show' gave his neighbors 'a visual treat.'" He had just awakened in his small office in the rear of his home at around 7:30 PM when he looked up in the sky 'to gauge the weather' and 'two odd-looking stars or big red circles caught his attention.'" "The 'red balls of light, which at times turned to white and to yellow, moved around and hovered' in the evening sky, he added." His neighbors yelled excitedly while pointing at the UFOs and the shouts of his neighbors could be heard in the background. A seven member United Nations team was examining the footage and asking questions. Apparently, they were investigating unofficially and not for the UN. Philippine officials also seem puzzled by the video. Israel said, "I think those balls of light were really UFOs,' He said, 'Some people may dismiss our claims as the fruits of a fertile imagination, but my footage will prove them wrong.'" (See The Star of Manila for September 20, 2000, "Is the truth out there?" by Rainier Allan Ronda.
Popular Mechanic's cover story of the November 2000 issue reveals the Air Force attempted to develop a Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV) that was 40 feet in diameter, 90 inches thick at the center, and had an empty weight of 17,042 pounds. The craft was designed to operate for six weeks at an altitude of 300 nautical miles. It was part of the black budget, classified as secret on Dec. 12, 1962, and remained classified until May 1999. Thereafter, the Department of Defense successfully sought to have the documents distribution restricted to defense contractors. Popular Mechanics obtained a copy of the documents and speculates the LRV may have been responsible for some UFO sightings. An engineering study describes a reentry heating test that, at the time, could have allegedly been accomplished only by a high-altitude drop of a flying prototype, probably from a high altitude balloon. A friend of mine claims to have seen the LRV at a Florida base in the late 1960s. The Popular Mechanics article also speculates that a LRV crash may have been responsible for honeycomb-like debris Jean Fraser found during 1975 on her family's ranch in Brisbane. According to a report by the University of New South Wales, the debris contained minerals commonly found in aircraft-grade fiberglass panels. Based on the report, MUFON rejected rumors that the debris were of alien origin. A photo on page 68 compares a bit of the debris to an LRV engineering drawing.
BELGRADE -- I wish to congratulate the new government, its people, and the intelligence personnel who helped arrange the fall of Milosevic. Britain and American intelligence agencies have been hard at work to undermine Milosevic's control for some time before he launched further attacks on surrounding areas. In the past, I predicted his fall from power and was surprised that it took so long. Part of the difficulty was that much of his opposition could be discredited as agents of NATO. The average Serb felt victimized by the NATO bombing and claims of atrocities. I wish the best to the new Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and hope the new government will be friendly to UFO investigation.
LIMA - A Symposium is to be held on Sunday, November 5, 2000, at The Veterans Memorial CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER 7 Town Sq. Lima, Ohio 45801, Box Office Coordinator of Event: Jan M. Pheneger, ufoohio@wcoil.com Guest Speakers of Symposium Are: Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Stanton Friedman, Budd Hopkins, Nancy Talbott, John P. Timmerman, For ticket information contact the Veterans Memorial Civic & Convention Center Box Office. Tickets: $25.00 per/person with general seating Thanks to Jan M. Pheneger (419)-224-1552, Fax (419)-224-6964, E-mail vmccc@alpha.wcoil.com, + www.metroevents.com/vmccc
Jeff Challender has prepared a new tape of various UFOs that were caught on recent Shuttle video footage. Jeff has noticed that when NASA is picking up UFOs they have tendency to first zoom in to observe the UFO better and then they cut the feed to the outside world. Jeff spends hundreds of hours watching the shuttle broadcasts from space. He is now an expert on NASA missions and even those onboard the shuttle are likely to see what Jeff does. He has gained his experience from watching numerous shuttle missions and using Jeff's directions you will be able to learn the difference between space junk, ice crystals and real UFOs. There is a sequence from STS-96 in which an object does appear to be watching the Shuttle. There is a Florida sequence in which the payload bay camera allows the viewer to watch 24 objects cavorting about over thunder storms in the Atlantic just before Sun up. Using his experience you can also learn the difference. One segment has 24 UFOs watching the shuttle from space. I feel confident we could go into a court of law and convince any jury that there are UFOs moving at high speed around the Earth. Send $25 to: Jeff Challender
2768 Mendel Way - Sacramento, California 95833-2011
US GOVERNMENT UFO PROOF RELEASED: Audio tapes of a genuine UFO Alert at Edwards Air Force base and studied by the Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, are now available for distribution to the public. Sam Sherman's audio documentary tape called THE EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE ENCOUNTER on the night of October 7, 1965, uses the actual voice recordings provided by the Air Force. During this event 12 high tech luminous UFOs invade secure air space and came down low over the runways at Edwards AFB. Tower operator Sgt. Chuck Sorrels spotted them and notified the Air Defense Command. Sgt. Sorrels is heard on the original tapes and in a new segment where he verifies the event as it is heard on the archival recordings. The UFOs are described and a decision is made to launch F-106 fighter interceptors. You are there for an important part of UFO history. Hear it for yourself, it's the best UFO tape ever made. Tape cost is $14.95 each plus $2.00 for shipping - total $16.95 -- (for overseas orders-out of US - add $6.00 shipping cost --total -- $20.95) you can send either a personal check or money order to: Independent International Pictures Corp, Box 565, Dept. GF, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857.
MUFON UFO JOURNAL -- For more detailed monthly investigative reports subscribe by contacting MUFONHQ@Aol.com. Mention I recommended you for membership. Filer's Files is copyrighted 2000 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the files on their Web Sites provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. Caution: Most of these are initial reports and need further investigation. Send your letters to Majorstar@aol.com. Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name, address, or story confidential.
Filer's Files #40 -- 2000, MUFON Skywatch Investigations
George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern
October 9, 2000, Sponsored by Electronic Arts, C. Warren
Webmaster http://www.filersfiles.com. - Majorstar@aol.com.
_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________