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From Rainier Allan Ronda

Unable to identify unidentified flying objects (UFOs) seen in the evening sky over Las Piñas last Sept. 3, scientists from the United Nations (UN) want more data to explain the sighting. Last Friday night, the seven-member team led by Dr. Jean Chu viewed a 40-minute video of the phenomenon taken by Antonio Israel. During the screening, they fired a barrage of questions at Israel like how the dancing balls of light moved, what the conditions were at the time, and if he or his neighbors were feeling anything unusual when they saw the lights. "It would be interesting if we gather more data, talk to the neighbors who witnessed it, and find out if residents of other neighboring places in Metro Manila were able to see them," Chu said. The scientists inspected Israel’s home, Israel said, particularly the spot where he stood when he filmed the lights, suspected to be extraterrestrial spaceships by those who saw them. They also inspected Israel’s neighborhood and nearby streets to see if the lights were caused by anything on the ground. They asked him anything unusual happened like malfunctioning electrical or mechanical gadgets or appliances at the time of the UFO sighting. They were at a loss for words after viewing the video. "Maybe one can’t really say when given just that footage to look at," one scientist told the STAR when asked if the lights were indeed alien spacecraft. Chu and her team, in town to study the Philippines’ disaster preparedness, said photos of the UFOs which appeared in the STAR on Sept. 20 piqued their interest. Chu stressed that their visit to Israel’s home was a private one. She told him that their field of study also delved into the connection between strange environmental events and disasters taking place where the phenomena occurred. Experts from the Philippine weather bureau were likewise stumped by the video footage. Israel said he and his neighbors who saw the spectacle were convinced that the lights were alien spacecraft.


UN Team Wants More Data on ‘Saucers;' Source: Rainier Allan Ronda 9/24/00 and from the P3N web site at


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