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Hi Chris,Thought this would be right up your street... perhaps you could reply as you have been investigating them recently...Cheers; Dave at CosmiCon

International Director UFORCE (UK)


A retired US Army officer formerly assigned to the 106th Aviation Regiment, aka "Night Stalkers", said that the recent helicopter(black)exercises are designed to train U.S. troops for domestic problems and not for deployment overseas.(as stated by the military)
The disclosures were made to WorldNet Daily by former Night Stalker Captain Jeff Norgrove. "These aren't really military exercises", Norgrove said. "They are SWAT training. The Army will never admit that to you, but that's what it is."

In March 1999, "Delta Force and Night Stalkers were involved in a controversial exercise in Kingsville, Texas, where the SWAT used LIVE ammunition and explosives to conduct their training."

"A number of retired military officers have come forward to insist that Army claims of the use of only training ammunition are untrue."(Officials at Fort Bragg NC insisted that it was only training ammo).

"They really think that we're so stupid that we can't figure this out", Norgrove said. In addition, "a high-ranking retired Special Operations Command officer told the Washington DC weekly newspaper The Spotlight that elite military units have been undertaking URBAN WARFARE training across the preparation for assuming the duties of U.S. law enforcement." The retired colonel "confirmed" for the first time that the mysterious training engaged in by the U.S. Army Special Forces and Delta Force, Navy SEALS, Marines Force Recon and U.S. Air Force Air Commandos is intended for "domestic operations". The Delta Force and Night Stalkers do not even wear standard military unifroms. Instead, just like any SWAT team, they are garbed in black uniforms, complete with black helmets and face shields. They also wear bulletproof body armor and are discharged from the Night Stalker's helicopters weilding "German-made Hechler and Koch 9mm submachine guns". The maneuvers are always conducted at night. The helicopters are painted dark with a special paint that has a sandpaper texture, appears black and enables the aircraft to avoid radar.

They are flown without lights by Night Stalker pilots utilizing night vision goggles. The helicopters "bear no markings and can be seen in the darkness." Keep Your Eyes To The Sky (and back)

also: EXTREME EM/RF/MW radiation was emitted from Brookhaven Labs on Sept. 27th, 28th & 29th.


Subj: Black Heli's Date:10/11/00 (Cosmic Conspiracies)

SOURCE: (Blue Alien) Subject: Gov domestic exercises Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000


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