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From Paul Anderson

From: Paul Anderson
Date: Tue Aug 15, 2000 9:35pm
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Update - Oro-Medonte Township, Ontario Crop Circles

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada

August 15, 2000

UPDATE - ORO-MEDONTE TOWNSHIP, ONTARIO CROP CIRCLES Attached is a preliminary diagram of the cluster of three circles found August 10 at Oro-Medonte Township, Ontario (oromedonte00.gif). Based on aerial photo from The Ottawa Citizen newspaper (will have copy as soon as possible, and trying to obtain additional images). Plus a ground report from June Mewhort to come soon, as well as CPR-Canada's Ontario coordinator, Drew Gauley, as soon as he can get to the site. Farmer reports no tracks or pathways; the circles look quite good in the aerial - clean, crisp swirls, sharp edges, etc. The Ottawa Citizen article ran August 12 in the print paper, but I can't find an online copy on the web site yet. A relatively simple, but elegant formation. -Paul Anderson

From: Paul Anderson
Date: Wed Aug 16, 2000 10:14pm
Subject: CPR-Canada News: 'Radial' Crop Circle - Grenfell, Saskatchewan

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada

August 16, 2000


'RADIAL' CROP CIRCLE - GRENFELL, SASKATCHEWAN Preliminary Report - August 16, 2000 Report received this afternoon of a new circle just found at Grenfell, Saskatchewan, east of Regina, by local reporter Jamie Gibson. Formation is a small single circle, only about 10 feet in diametre, in mature wheat. What is interesting about this circle however, is the lay, which is radial, with the wheat stalks flattened out from the centre to the outside edges. A similar pattern was seen in the large seven-circle Edmonton, Alberta #2 formation in barley from last year. No tracks were reported found in or around the circle, and the centre region is darkened or "singed" appearing. Further details, images when available. This is the fourth report now for 2000 in Canada. On a related note, there is a report from Ron Russell, Midwest Research, of new formations in North Dakota, USA, close to the Canadian border (details pending), as well as the recent "scalloped circles" formation in Oregon, courtesy Carol Pedersen, CCCS-Oregon. Must be that time of year again...! Paul Anderson

From: Paul Anderson Date: Thu Aug 17, 2000 8:45pm
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Update #2 - Oro-Medonte Township, Ontario Crop Circles

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada
August 17, 2000

UPDATE #2 - ORO-MEDONTE TOWNSHIP, ONTARIO CROP CIRCLES Following is a ground report on the crop circles at Oro-Medonte Township, Ontario, from June Mewhort. Also attached is an aerial photo (oromedonte00.jpg, © Julie Langpeter, The Orillia Packet & Times). Additional images to hopefully be added on the web site as soon as possible.
Paul Anderson

On August 14th, 2000 at around 12:30 PM I had the privilege to visit a set of three crop circles in Orillia, Ontario. The circles had appeared overnight between August 9th and 10th. The farmer, Mr. Garnet Horne, found the circles on the morning of Thursday the 10th. They had not been there on the evening of the 9th. He was excited and awed by what he saw and immediately called over his brother to help him prove what had been obvious from the very beginning. There were no human footprints and there was no trail through the grain. In Canada, farmers do not use tramlines like they do in England. Even small animals leave a trail through grain when passing through it and humans tend to leave rather large ones. But here, in the area of these three precise circles, there was absolutely no evidence of human activity. Garnet and his brother measured the circles themselves and found that the first and largest was 70 feet in diameter, the second was 50 feet and the smallest was 30 feet in diameter: 20 feet difference between each. The grain was a combination of oats and barley. By the time I got to the circles there had been hundreds of visitors and the grain had been tramped down and flattened with unruly haphazard individual stalks standing up but bent. It was not a tidy formation. However, according to Garnet Horne, it had been. As he began to describe the sweep and wave of the fresh formation, I realized that it had been of a high caliber, just like the ones I had seen freshly laid in England. When I first arrived, I was alone and went about studying the circles the way I had learned in England. I did not find any blown nodes and I did not find any bundling. However, I noted that the grain had been seeded very sparsely in comparison to the seeding in England. There just was not as much to work on. I noted that all the seed heads were pointing in the same direction and that the force that created these circles was moving in a counterclockwise direction. I also noted that within a short distance of the formation were three microwave communication towers that one could see, and one even taller than those was situated just behind the forest. Since microwave energy has been associated with the circles by science, I thought this might be important. After doing a study, I sat in the center of the second circle and found the energy to be very calm. Soon, I was joined by Garnet and a couple of reporters from Orillia. As I shared what I knew of the phenomenon and mentioned the fact that cameras often donít work in brand new circles because of remaining energy interference, Garnet remembered that on the morning that he discovered the formation, his two dogs refused to enter the circles. Later that first day, when more people came and entered, the dogs did too, but not when they originally encountered the phenomenon. This bit of information also helped to confirm the validity of the circles, not to mention the fact that Garnet Horne was obviously mystified by them. He has challenged people to come into his field and try to copy the formation in another corner to prove that the circles could not have been formed with board and string. So far, no-one has taken him up on it, possibly because most of the people visiting the site have embraced the mystery and do not need any more proof than what they see in front of them. June Mewhort


CPR-Canada News is the e-news service of Circles Phenomenon
Research Canada, an affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research
International, a leading crop circle investigative organization,
providing periodic e-mail updates with the latest news and reports
on the crop circle phenomenon in Canada and around the world,
as well as information on CPR-Canada-related news and events.
CPR-Canada News is edited by Paul Anderson and published by
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