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What's Aliens In My about? . . . here's just part of the story! Several years ago, though not more than three, I awoke one summer's night to the sound of an almighty CRUUUNCHBANGEXPLOSION!!! On investigating, I discovered that a small spaceship had crash-landed in my back garden, narrowly missing my rare collection of garden gnomes (though not, unfortunately, my prize mallorn tree). Having seen strange lights and sounds in the sky that very evening, I was nevertheless a little perturbed at the thought of actually meeting someone from outer space. I was about to call the local police station and report the whole affair to them, when the spacecraft's inhabitants (little grey, green, silver and brown aliens) confronted me. I hadn't expected my visitors to be so tiny, for they were no more than six or seven inches in height! On closer inspection, they seemed to be reasonably friendly and even appeared to want to communicate. However, not wishing to interrupt any plans of repairing their craft and leaving before dawn (some chance!), I declined the invitation and promptly crept back to bed. Waking the next morning from uneasy dreams about Rendlesham Forest, Area 51 and Roswell, I peeped out onto the world with uncertain eyes. Expecting to find a mini-invasion in progress, I discovered, instead, no trace of the spaceship whatsoever (had I imagined the whole thing?)!! Thinking the bizarre adventure to be over, I set about ordering a new mallorn tree (an extremely difficult task, even on a good day!), when who should knock on my back door but the leader of the extraterrestrials himself - a little 'grey' named Zhon. Knowing that I already had several odd characters lurking in my back garden (Gunkin the goblin, Mosscoat the scarecrow, Old Tom the potato, Green Man and Alditha the witch, to name but a few), I wasn't altogether shocked by the intrusion this time. So, together, we chatted and joked over coffee, toast and marmalade (telepathically, of course). Nevertheless, despite my visitor's good humour and wit, I quickly discovered that Zhon (a Commander in the Lyran Star-Force Security Wing) had, in fact, escaped with his very life the night before. On his way back to the Vega System with a crew of nine (and several prisoner aliens), our intrepid space traveller had experienced serious technical problems aboard his spacecraft, the 'Lyra 12', and gone wildly off course, eventually ending up in our solar system, where he was subsequently forced to crash-land (you'll never guess where!). Now, while most self-respecting aliens would have repaired their craft and left the United Kingdom well alone, my extraterrestrial visitors were of a different mind altogether. Viewing my back garden as the ideal place for a permanent vacation, Zhon and co. duly elected to set up home there - taking their chances alongside the other characters already in residence (with whom Zhon had begun to strike up a friendship - boy, was he ever hopeful)! So, self-destructing the 'Lyra 12' with just enough antimatter to make their presence known, that's just what they did! To cut a long story short, all this extraterrestrial activity naturally caused several problems with my neighbours and the local council (who were not too hot on the idea of aliens residing on their property). However, I have a friend who's brother-in-law is an MP and dedicated UFO freak, so gradually the scene mellowed to a degree - becoming almost amiable (well, you've got to be tolerant towards ANYONE who claims to be an intimate friend of Dr Who and Mr Spock, haven't you - and these little guys know all the big names!). Anyway, that's how I came to have aliens living amongst my rhubarb and rhododendrons, and why I own a Web site all about them (the aliens, not the rhododendrons)! Things haven't changed much around here over the years . . . so if you'd like to visit Zhon and co. and discover what transpires in my back garden on a weekly basis alien-wise, add this web site to your favourites list today! (URL hyuperlink is below-Ed)


The ALIENS IN MY GARDEN web site is full colorful alien figurines. Visit their site: Aliens In My Garden TODAY! Jude Gwynaire (


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