We found this post by Robert Whitehead, with an image (enhanced) attached. This image, was an artist's impression of what the witness saw while at a tropical beach See IbizaUFO.jpg (below).
Dear all- Still looking for a sensible explanation for my 1986 sighting in Ibiza. Until a better idea shows up, I'm sticking with my 'hologram' theory. Take another look at my 'artist's impression', folks, and let me know if you have any good ideas!
Here is my response to Mr. Whitehead's artist impression of the unknown aierial object revealed in detailed on this image:
"I know that there is alot more to learn about and I don't know it all...case in point...this sundog photo. The only thing that remotely could resemble this thing is what is called a "SUN DOG," or sundog. I am not even sure about the spelling. Very rare, especially a photograph of it. I saw a drawing of one from the late 19th century... They are very rare, and usually occur in inclement weather (like when it is snowing)
I am going to hang on to this for our files. Have you done a spectral analysis of the coloration/ infrared scans? MS Paint has a good program for picking out the red hues (similar to infra-red) I do have one just like this in my collection,, but it was taken at nite. I can locate it if you want me too? Has it been analyzed and do you have a photo that wasn't converted to BMP?
Christopher Montgomery http://www.uforc.com (See notes)
NOTES:To Mr. Whitehead I would like to post this, and see if we get any responses from internet traffic. If you DONT want me to post it, just tell me contact me at monty@uforc.com (this is my private email addy)
All the best and thanks for the photograph.
See C:\MyDocuments\lbiza.bmp for this image (was attached to the following post)
UFO Scotland Online - http://www.ufoscotland.co.uk
From:"Robert Whitehead" (robwhiteheaduk@hotmail.com) DATE RECEIVED:Wed, Oct 18 2000 7:07:31 PM GMT;
_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________