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A CHILDHOOD ENCOUNTER WITH A DYING ALIEN AND CRAFT, "I am writing this in an effort to help and support Dr. Reed. I know positively that both the creature and the craft that he photographed are authentic. I have seen both the creature and the craft myself “Forty Nine” years ago. It is most saddening and also frightening, to witness Dr. Reed, attempting at great cost to himself, and at great sacrifice, to attempt to reveal facts to the public; facts that have intentionally been denied to the public. It is saddening that many individuals simply will not view the evidence with and open mind, and learn. It is frightening to me, and should be frightening to all, that our government not only attempts to discredit him, but even more frightening, has harmed him physically, and continues to attempt to harm him mow. He has been shot. Both he, and his friends have been beaten by our lovely government employees; and one close female friend, has apparently been killed by them.

I am “Fifty Nine” years old now. When I was “Ten” years old, I looked across a field, approximately three hundred feet, to a strip of woods. Above the woods I saw birds circling in a manor that indicated something below them had died. I was curious, and walked with another child, possibly my sister, across the field toward the woods to see what in fact had attracted the birds attention.

As I walked across the field, I saw an object lying in the field. That object looked exactly the same as the object “craft” revealed by Dr. Reed's photos. It was not suspended or locked in the air like the one Dr. Reed found. It was on the ground, with one end flat to the ground, causing the other end to be elevated approximately two to three feet. The field was tall with weeds, but there were no disturbed areas or paths of any kind through the tall field that could have provided an explanation for it suddenly being there in the midst of the field. The field was very close to my home with only one house on a small lot between my home and the field. I walked through that field almost every day to those woods and knew the object had not been there before. I examined the object. I pounded with my open hands on its sides. I noticed that it was cooler then the temperature of the day and the air around it. I did exactly the same thing Dr. Reed did. I picked up a stick, and with a whipping motion attempted to clear the tall weeds and grass from under the one elevated end in order to see the underside of the object clearly. I experienced the same resistance that Dr. Reed experienced.

With a whipping motion I swung at the weeds expecting to cut and clear them from under the object. The moment the stick entered the air space between the object and the ground, it was like moving a paddle through water, or as Dr. Reed has said, like moving a stick through molasses. I will add that as I forced the stick through the air space, the stick and my hand, were both forced downward.1.

At some point, I left the object to continue on towards the woods, I thought that I would show the object to my father, when he got home from work, and we would then discuss the strange energy field or area of resistance and also how it could have arrived at this location.

When I entered the strip of woods, I immediately went to the center of the width of the strip, to walk along a trail that I knew well. The trail went from one end of the strip to the other. As I walked along in the area below the circling birds, I noticed what I first thought was a log. It was approximately the color of a log. I then began to notice that it had legs arms etc. I looked closer and could see its mouth and its closed eyes. I saw that it was clothed in what I now would call an outfit. The clothing was tight or close to the skin and in the area of its crotch, the clothing tight and close, there was no indication or bulge that would normally define some form of sex gland. I would have guessed it to be a male with that exception clearly noted. It looked exactly the same as the creature that Dr. Reed found.2.

I would believe them to be one and the same, if it were not for the following facts. I thought it was dead, I touched it on its chest area, it felt hard or scale like, when I applied pressure I could feel the chest depress in a manor that felt like a normal body except for the strange feeling of hardness and thickness of the surface or skin. I sensed immediately that I was touching something that I should not be touching. I did apply the same pressure a few more times, but with a stick. Then I leaned down and with my fingers, I opened one of its eyes. When I saw the vitality, the shine of the eye, I no longer thought that it was dead. I now thought that it might be sleeping. I backed off a couple of steps; suddenly I felt that I might be in danger if this thing wakes up. I thought that I should find a cage before examining it any further and I did not want it to get away.

I did not associate it specifically to the object in the field; that may have been, because I had not found a door or any other entrance or exit, to or from, the object in the field. I ran from the woods, through the field, and I saw an adult across the street, His name was Mr. Bembow. He always had unusual things around his home. I yelled over to him and asked if he had a cage. He pointed to something that looked as though it had been made from chicken wire. I said: That won't work; I need something Strong. He said: Glenn-ee, What have you got over there. I started to tell him, and as I was yelling the description across the road to him, I also got the attention of Mr. Theobald, who was our nest door neighbor and who lived in the house next to me on the edge of the field.

Mr. Theobald joined Mr. Bembow, and they followed me back to the creature. I think Mr. Bembow’s son, whose name is; Billy Bembow, also joined us at that time. When we arrived back in the woods, the creature was still laying in the same position. They were trying to rationalize to me and to themselves, what we were looking at. They said it was an animal at one point, at another point, they said it was a very old dead human that apparently had been there for a long time. When they said “a long time”, they were trying to rationalize the crispy and dark look of the skin. When they said it was an animal, I said: “animals donut ware clothing.” When they said that it was an old dead person that had been there a long time, I said: “I walk through these woods on this trail almost every day. I know it has not been here before.” I also pointed out that it was not even as tall as I was at ten years old.

Someone got the idea to cut the outfit to examine the rest of the body, they tried several times to cut it, but they experienced the same thing that Dr. Reed had experienced. When they tried to cut down from the neck area of the outfit, they would only get about three inches of material cut, and it would re-fuse or mend back together, and like Dr. Reed's experience, after several attempts to cut it, the knife would no longer cut. I insisted that I wanted to try to cut it myself. They gave the knife to me, and I tried at a different spot on the material and experienced the same things they had experienced, after the third attempt it would no longer cut at all. It seemed as though the knife had become a butter knife with no sharp edge. If you moved to another area of the material you would experience the same thing again. It would disallow you to cut more quickly, maybe after only the first or second try. It seemed to be learning my intentions. Rather then with the first attempts when you could attempt approximately three or maybe four cuts before it would disallow any further, now only one or two attempts and the knife would again seem dull or become entangled in the material as the material mended itself around the blade. Just prior to mending, you could see the strands reaching towards the strands on the other side of the cut, like they were alive.

After a while they told me/us? to go back home, and they were going to dispose of it. We were to young, they said. Mr. Bembow’s Son, “Billy”, was allowed to go with them. We stood by the road and were looking in the direction where they had gone with the creature, when all of a sudden, we heard a scream that was not like anything I had ever heard before. The scream was the same as Dr. Reeds recording. My words have and will be exactly the same as Dr. Reed's as I explain what I heard and saw. Above the trees in the direction where they had gone, you could see the scream. In the air, above the trees, you could see bubble like movement, a filmy movement of clear bubble filled gaseous looking air, that moved with the vibration of the horrible sound of the scream. The scream made me feel sickeningly frightened inside both my mind and my stomach. My little sister, or who ever it was with me, after hearing that scream, said: Did you see that?

When they returned, Billy Bembow said to me: “That Thing Wasn't Dead. It gave them a Hell of a time. Did you hear it Scream?……. That thing was so fast, and it was strong.” Mr. Theobald said to us: “I have never asked you kids for a favor, but, I want to ask a favor of both of you now, I want you to do me a personal favor. I want you to make a promise to me that you will try to forget all about that thing, like it never happened. I know this will sound strange to you, but you can really do it if you try. You can really completely forget about something if you want to, and if you try. I'm asking you two kids, to do this favor for me.” We always liked Mr. Theobald and we/I agreed to forget that this had happened, for him. Mr. Theobald is now deceased. Mr. Bembow is also deceased. Billy Bembow, I am told, lives in the Woodlawn area of Baltimore County. I have never spoken to him about the encounter.

After this was settled, I pointed out that there was an unusual object in the field. They walked over to it with me. The adults started to rationalize again. They told me it was a piece of construction equipment, but, they could not adequately describe its use. I pointed out that there were no tracts through the field that would indicate how it got here. When I demonstrated the field of resistance to them, they were dumfounded. I wish I could show you the look on their faces when they tried to move the stick through the air space under the elevated end of the object. Remember this was approximately 1951 in a rural area. Mr. Theobald insisted that this was a piece of construction equipment, and that a crane must have come down our road and set it down in the field. He further insisted that the force field or field of resistance was not so unusual, and that he had heard of something like this that had been developed recently? One or two days past, I came home from school one day, and Billy Bembow, said to me: “You should have seen them. They tried to drill into that thing, then, they tried to cut into it with a cutting torch. Nothing bothers that thing, they couldn't even scratch it.” One day I came home from school and it was gone.

A few days latter I was walking through the field further south of were the object had been, and I came upon an area that looked as though it had been dug-up. I looked at it closer, and noticed a rounded hole like opening deep in the approximate center of the dug-up area. I probed in the hole and recovered a ball approximately six or seven inches in diameter. It looked like diamond or crystal and was very heavy. I took it home and was washing the mud off of it. I was using the water from the outside spigot of my home.

Mr. Theobald saw me stooping by the spigot and he said: “What do you have there Glenn”? He walked over and looked at it. It was unbelievable and shocking to me at the time, but he just reached down and took it from me. He said that he knew who had lost it, and that I could not keep it; and that he was going to return it. This was in no way acceptable to me. I had dug it out of the ground. No one had just dropped it there. I argued with him about it so loudly that my Mother heard us arguing and came outside to see what the matter was. He told her the same thing he had told me. I accused him of stealing from me.

I felt terrible inside; I felt wrong about arguing with an Adult, Especially Mr. Theobald, but I also felt strongly that he was steeling from me. My mother suggested strongly, that I would not argue with him any longer but would speak to my father about the incident when he returns from work. Reluctantly I did so. When my father finally talked with Mr. Theobald, he returned with this decision: Since we were preparing to move and since they had been our next door neighbors, and good neighbors, for so long a time, we were not going to ruin the friendship over this issue just prior to moving.

The decision never was truly accepted by me. I felt that I had found a treasure that would have financially relieved our family of burden and that Mr. Theobald had simply stole it from me. I know now that the disturbed area was an impact spot, and that the crystal or diamond ball has a specific connection to the craft. I will explain at some other time how I know this to be a fact. Believe me, I am sure of this.

I will mention here for anyone interested the craft is a non-magnetic structure. I have reason to believe it to be carbon. It also resists crushing and is apparently seamless I have written this to support Dr. Reed. You and He have my permission to use it as you may. Thank You and Good Luck, Sincerely, G. Glenn Schiller

#1: This is something that I have not revealed to anyone, and I had heard it from Dr. Reed himself. The only way that this man would have known about this effect, was if he were reading my personal research. The point is that Schiller reports the same observations that REED did about the craft. Because of the boy's examination of this particular obelisk, we can get another perspective on its properties...i.e.-witness reports an identical g-field distortion, also described by the Reed evidence.

#2: The similarity to angelic beings is worthy of noting here; as the classic, Biblical descriptions of angels suggests that angels do not have sex, nor are able to reproduce. Hence my argument that the Elohim are the Son's of God and are able to reproduce, whereas the fallen angels, were not. The fallen ones, or "Nephilum" is often presented as an argument against this hypothesis, by some theologians. Of those, a great many theologians are unwilling to accept nor agree to understand that the "Nephilum" were actually dinosaurs, and that these were not reproducing with humans, but were a evolutionary remnant from the earths beginnings, chronicled for posterity by Moses.


TO: Investigator Montgomery (		
Subject: Dr. Reed, Support		
From:	"G.Glenn Schiller" 		
Date:	Sun, Oct 15 2000 5:52:45 PM -0700	
Name and address on file.	

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