Allow me to Welcome you to my site!
Acacia's Circle is designed to be a complete Pagan Resource Center. What that means is that, while most sites offer small amounts of information or information geared towards beginners to paganism, we are going to attempt to create a site with a great amount of information, geared towards people in many levels of learning.
Of course, this is likely far into the future, as we are just building this site, and our goal will not be able to be met overnight. However, we do have some great things on our site right now that you can check out:
- Pagan writings - articles, journals, poetry, and other pagan-related writings
- Wicca - material for the beginner (as of yet)
- Many links to sites around the web, covering many pagan-related topics (though not all the sites are "pagan" sites)
- A page about Acacia and more about Acacia's Circle
- Pagan Crafts for sabbats, esbats, fundraisers, magickal use, or everyday use
- Pagan recipes for all occasions, and all levels of kitchen mastery
- Divination techniques for scrying, tarot, and runes
- Free download of Acacia's book on Wiccan magick - The Book of Black
- An Herbal Compendium
- A huge list of magickal Correspondence Tables directly from Acacia's Book of Black!
Some things to look forward to for Acacia's Circle:
- Expansion of all existing sections of this website, with much more information
- A Pagan Parenting section - crafts, recipes, magick, courses, and more geared toward pagan parents and their children
- Courses on many different subjects FREE OF CHARGE - such as, Tarot, Meditation, Wicca 101, Wicca 102, Advanced Wicca, High Priest/ess Training, Runes, Scrying, Herbology, Magick, Cooking, Crafting, and more!
- A section on Egypt, for those of us whose hearts are with this ancient land to learn more about it.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or would like to make a donation of any materials that would fit our categories, please let us know at our email.