Acacia's Wicca Pages:
In these pages, learn the many aspects of Wicca, from beginning techniques and information, to advanced knowledge. We are currently working to create free classes on Wicca.
Wicca Pages:
These pages are currently under construction and should be up soon. Here's some of what to expect:
Magick - Learn the concepts of magick, how and why it works, the ethics of magick, spells and rituals, how to write spells, and an extensive section of correspondence tables, used to write spells!
Holy Days - Learn about the Sabbats and Esbats, what they are, how they empower a Wiccan, and how to celebrate them.
Divinations - Learn about tarot, runes, and scrying (plus more at a later date). Learn about the history of divination, how it works, and how to do it yourself!
Herbal Compendium - A huge list of herbs, from A-Z, their magickal and medical uses, and more! I am hoping to include gardening information for each of these as well, and possibly where to order some of the rarer herbs from!
Spirit - In this section learn of the spirituality of Wicca. Learn of the God and Goddess (and the many pantheons and deities involved in Wicca), prayer and meditation, the Rede and the Law of Three, and the ethics of Wicca.
History - Learn of the history of Wicca and the goddess religions.