Exploring The Catcher in the Rye   :   album / tour

closer look at a bunch Valley Forge Mil. Acad. Wooster School Admiral Billard Acad. Holden went to a prep school in Pennsylvania that ran ads which promised excellence (p. 2). This is a copy (from microfilm) of a page of ads in The New York Times Magazine (13 June 1948 -- Holden's parents probably would have been considering schools in 1948, really every year, because he kept getting kicked out of them).

Some ads link to a closer view:

Valley Forge Military Academy (J.D. Salinger went to this school at one point and he is said to have based Pencey Prep on it. Their Web page: http://www.vfmac.edu)
The Wooster School (this name is reminiscent of the Whooton School in the book.)
Admiral Billard Academy (corny imagery -- Holden talked about how corny Pencey's ads were.)
upper right side of page (a bunch, not so close up.) 125K

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