Exploring The Catcher in the Rye : The Catcher in the Rye Art

Catcher in the Rye Art Gallery
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3 July 2008 See the latest entry, by Brenda Park.

I like art and The Catcher in the Rye. Since Geocities gave me more space than I was using, I started an art contest in early 2001. The winner was determined by an online poll poll and the prize was US$15. But I think all of the art is unique and deserves congratulations!

All of the artists graciously allowed me to keep their work in this gallery. The guestbook is still open: feel free to comment. Also feel free to new art for the gallery: it still has to have something to do with the book and has to follow the size and other relevant guidelines (see the rules).

"...I had the most terrific trouble finding that lagoon that night.... I kept walking and walking, and it kept getting darker and darker and spookier and spookier. ... Then, finally, I found it. ... But I didn't see any ducks around."

by Bernd Wahlbrinck -


by Chris Kubica -

INTRODUCTORY NOTE. On January 23, 2001, I found the following somewhat crumpled newspaper clipping in the diary of my late aunt, Mrs Martha Frampton. Strictly speaking, this item may not be a piece of art, but upon second thoughts I decided to send it to you nevertheless.


by Siri -


by Martin Caulfield Poll results. Congratulations, Martin!


by Jack Cauffle, a.k.a. Bernd Wahlbrinck -

Ever since reading The Catcher in the Rye for the first time I had been wondering what the initials "D.B." might stand for. Then, last Friday at Moe's Books in Berkeley, I came across this book cover…

by Justin Miller, a.k.a. Bernd Wahlbrinck -

(The contest winner was selected via online poll.)

A r t   n o t   i n   t h e   c o n t e s t :


Allie at the Golf Course (p. 38).

by Suzanne Morine -


by Wade Scharlau

"… [the bear] was in his goddam cave and wouldn't come out. All you could see was his rear end. There was a little kid standing next to me, with a cowboy hat on practically over his ears, and he kept telling his father, 'Make him come out, Daddy. Make him come out.'"
(p. 209-210).
I remembered this scene while thinking about Salinger's seclusion versus people's insistent curiosity. Wanting more from him seems to have trapped both sides (but more the bear). If he did come out with something new, it would increase interest, so I doubt he will, except posthumously.

by Suzanne Morine -


by David Jay -
(based on a photo by Susie Josephson)


by Brenda Park


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