Exploring The Catcher in the Rye
: album
Try Sleeping in Grand Central Station..
The six story office and baggage building
was demolished in 1961 (p. 107), but a long conservation effort has not only
saved, but beautifully restored, Grand Central Station itself!
Holden tried to sleep on a waiting room bench
(p. 194-6) but
the big waiting room full of benches is now Vanderbilt
Hall, a high ceilinged
space where artists sell their fine creations and sometimes special
events are held. An old drawing of the waiting
room is below. Some
of the old benches are still in use, including
these two, downstairs in snack bar areas.
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Detour: Look what's downstairs by a café!
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Grand Central's Web site: http://www.grandcentralterminal.com
(their site does include a photo of Vanderbilt Hall,
but I was disappointed by the lack of photos of this beautiful station)