Exploring The Catcher in the Rye   :   Polls Results

Poll Results: Holden's Best Listener

Poll (ad-based -- sorry)
Who was Holden's best listener?
Mr. Spencer  (13)


Mr. Antolini  (14)


Phoebe  (98)


Holden himself  (70)


(not listed)  (5)


Total Votes: 200
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Visitor Comments (10)

I didn't put the readers because all sorts of people read the book, often just for a class assignment. Still, I should have included it. Suzanne 7/27/00 11:25:52 PM
Suzanne, the best one is not listed: it's ME, YOU, US - his reader(s)! Bernie W. 7/27/00 5:25:21 PM
I'm only on chapter 5 so after I read I will probably have a different answer. 7/27/00 1:34:07 PM
what three event did holden ends up in a fight 7/24/00 10:41:11 PM
The Readers!! 7/21/00 7:36:11 PM
Why is everyone against Holden. I think he is adorable. 7/20/00 5:41:12 AM
I would like a sequal to come out! 7/20/00 5:40:01 AM
80% of the story, he is by himself, talking to himself 7/20/00 12:52:52 AM
Holden is to selfish to listen carefully to anybody else than himself7/19/00 5:07:40 AM
Holden was for sure, who else would or could possibly understand him, but besides him, yeah, it's Pheobe.7/17/00 2:52:30 PM

Poll dates: 14 July - 28 July 2000 (two weeks)

next: best observations/advice for Holden