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Homa Organic Farming

Homa Organic Farming is a system of agriculture which may be added to any organic farming practices.

With chemical fertilizers and pesticides it becomes necessary to increase the dosage or alter formulas as years go by. The last 50 years of intensive agro-chemical farming have been characterised by four distinct stages.

A time comes when the farmer plants the seed, gives water and waits . . .
But nothing happens. Nothing will grow, not even weeds. Land that was once fertile and produced abundant crops has to be abandoned.

Now, in response to this trend, some farmers have started various forms of organic farming and biological pest control. But as pollution of the atmosphere is constantly increasing many of these farmers are now facing great difficulties also. With increased doses of acid rain the top few inches of soil everywhere are becoming poisoned so that again nothing will grow.

The solution to all these ills is

Homa Organic Farming

Even at stage 4, Homa Organic Farming has been shown to resuscitate dead soils, notably in the Amazon region of South America. More about the miraculous results in South America.

Why Homa Organic Farming?

What is Homa Organic Farming?

Cycle of Yajnya

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Agricultural results - Peru

Agricultural results - India



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Last modified: Saturday July 30, 2005.